Monday, February 27, 2006

I got a job!!!!

Well, let me start with how I got the job...

Sunday night the neighbors across the hall were having a "domestic dispute" and asked me over to be an independent witness before the cops got there. Anyways, the cops came and so on. But Genette's (the neighbor) friend said that her daughter needs a babysitter her six month old son on Tuesday's and Thursday's from 7:30 to 12:30. Anyways, I gave Gail my number and Jessie called me tonight and told me I had the job. They were pretty desperate because she was about to lose her job from staying home with the baby. So anyways, after class tonight I went to their house (23 and Gratiot) and met the baby (Aiden). He's such a cute kid. I HAVE A JOB!!!! I told her that my rate was $6 an hour.

I got a new coat today, and finally got Paul some pants.

I also ordered candles and holders for the wedding.

Not much else is going on... I have a job!! I'm so excited!!!!

My laptop comes tomorrow!!!