Monday, September 24, 2007


So today I headed off to Lakeside....

I went to Babies R Us first and the pillow I want was like 50 bucks, so I don't think I'll be getting that lol...

After that I was really hungry so I went to BD's for lunch... All by myself!!! And it was reallllllly yummy. I love that place!!

Then it was off to Lakeside... When I got to the mall I headed straight to Motherhood. I was a lil nervous about this because I didn't want to buy the wrong thing, or have to try on 10 different pants cause I didn't know what size to get. Of course the lady in the store jumped right up and started helping me. It was great. I got two pairs of jeans.. They are soooo comfy!!! I've found that I LOVE maternity pants!!! I told Paul I was going to sleep in them... Of course I'm not! But they are that comfy!!! It's great.

After I left Motherhood I headed to Victorias Secret and got a bra. I needed a new comfy bra... My other ones were no long comfy. I also found out that I am now a 40DD... About 6 months ago I was a 38D.. That was the last time I was measured for a bra. And now I'm 40DD!! That's crazy... Thanks baby!!! lol... But the bra is so comfy. It's full coverage and no padding. Very very comfy!!!

Then I headed over to Bath and Body Works. I wanted to get some WILD HONEYSUCKLE products. I ended up getting the perfume, which smells amazing!!!! We have the handsoaps throughout our house and I think it is my favorite scent.... LOOOOOOVE it! lol... Then I asked the lady about the body butter. I wanted to know if it was hypoallergenic cause I wanted to put it on my belly. Right now my sides (up near my breasts) are really dry... Itchy and flaky and my Quench Body Lotion isn't helping so I wanted something a lil stronger... When she found out I was pregnant and that's what I wanted it for she directed "LAY IT ON THICK". It's a really thick (lol) creamy body butter... It has all that shea and jojoba stuff in it... Plus it smells nice! So I put some on my sides tonight before I put my jammies on... It's really creamy and I don't like the way it feels on my hands (like to leave it on as a lotion) but I love the way it makes my sides feel.... very nice and smooth!!!

But my fav thing today is the jeans.. Love love love them!!! I definitly recommend Motherhood maternity jeans... Great!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

15 weeks 0 days

Hello all!!

Today I am 15 weeks pregnant!!! Only 25 weeks to go... give or take a few!!!!

We'll start with the downs -

1.) Sex - This is going to be an up and a down... so I'll say the down part...
I guess Paul thinks that I don't wanna have sex very much so since I found out I am was pregnant (on JULY 9th) he has not initiated sex. Or maybe it's because he thinks he'll hurt the baby... or maybe he just doesn't find me sexy and attractive anymore... I certainly don't feel sexy and attractive anymore. As I said this morning everything on my body has gone "POOOF" lol... My thighs went poof, my ass poofed, my tummy poofed, and my boobs poofed... lol... Of course we've always had problems with him initiating sex, but this is different... I want sex... lots of it!! lol...

2.) Pregnancy acne - I look like I'm 15 years old, not 15 weeks pregnant. lol. I have pimples all over my chin, cheek, and forehead. It totally bites. And with my braces I definitly look young... I don't like it. I put salicylic acid on my face everynight, but it doesn't appear to be working. Oh well.. Hopefully it will go away soon....

Now for the UPS-

1.) Sex!!! The sex that we do have is awesome... Mind blowingly great! lol... 'Nuff said! lol

2.) I get to shop!!! Tomorrow I am going maternity clothes shopping... Mall time!!! I'm gonna go to Babies R Us and get a pregnancy pillow and then head to Lakeside Mall for some shopping at the maternity stores there... I know there are a few... Can't wait!! lol

We had a pretty good weekend. The Grand Am is going to be paid off by the end of the week and then the insurance is done on Oct 16th, so that means that Jen will be responsible for it. I know she can do it!!!!

Something really awesome happened today. Well first off we've been trying to get ahold of a sod and landscaping company for a couple weeks to get some sod in the front yard. And no luck.... Well, today a guy came and knocked on our door and said that he ordered too much sod and wanted to know if we want it... Well of course!!! lol... So we took it (paid him 20 bucks). Now we have a quarter of the front yard sodded... It looks awesome.

Took Mister to the vet again.... On Thursday I took his cone off for a few hours and he chewed the sore back open. So now he has to have the cone on for 10 days. If it doesn't heal within 10 days then Dr. Kerns wants to surgically remove it... at the cost of $436!!! Not gonna happen anytime soon!!! lol...

Anyways, I'm gonna go!!! Time to eat again!!! I'm always eating now!!!

DH totally rocks!!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

14 weeks 1 day

Downs -

1.) Heartburn... Which is nothing new for me. I've always had acid reflux which is why I started taking Zantac at 11 and then switched to Prilosec... But I can't take those any more and am having to use just Maalox... UGH!!

2.) Paul had a meltdown... I don't really want to go into details... More or less its something I would rather forget about. I know it's just his fears coming out... But honestly I felt like saying (and maybe did say) "get over it". This is the time that he should be taking care of me, instead I'm having to calm his fears and stuff... Men are big babies!!! lol...


1.) More energy. I definilty am having more energy in my second trimester then I did my first. I still get tired... But atleast I have the energy to do things... In the first tri I didn't have the energy to do ANYTHING... now I have energy to do stuff, I just get tired and have to take breaks every now and then. But atleast I have energy to do things.

2.) I'm getting closer to feeling the baby move... Hopefully I'll be lucky and feel him move around week 16... which is just two weeks away... I can't wait to feel the baby move!!! I'm looking foward to that so much...

So today I cleaned out my closet and underwear drawer. I put away all the clothes that I can no longer fit into. Which left me with 2 pairs of sweats and several t shirts. I dont know if i mentioned that I had to buy new panties... My other ones were a little too snug and were rubbing my leg... It hurt... So I had to get what I'm calling "fat panties" lol... But they are sooooo comfy! LOVE THEM!! lol...

Not much else is going on.... So I'm gonna go to bed... Good night!!!

I love my hubby.... as hormonal as he is!!! HAHA!!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Picture time!!

Poor Precious has had a rough couple of weeks. It started off with a sore on his belly... and since he wouldn't stop licking it the vet put an Elizabeth Collar on him... I can't stop laughing!!! It's just so funny... and he has that really "I'm so pissed" look all the time!!! Plus he can't fit into his normal spaces (tight ones) that he usually cant because the collar doesn't fit... that's when we get the "pissed off" look from him!!! I just can't stop laughing!! It's so funny. Then after I stop laughing I feel bad for him!! It's just funny seeing him walk around with that thing on. He has to wear it for 7 days so his boo-boo can heal.... HAHAHAHA!!!! And he looks at me as to say "stop laughing at me"!!! HAHAHAHA!!!

I took Pebbles to the groomers today... This is the first time she's came back with hair... Since it's getting cooler I don't want them to cut her anymore. She looks so fluffy and pretty... I made sure to take plenty of pictures cause I know it won't last long...

And last but not least... I'm posting some "baby bump" pictures. Yep, I am starting to show a little... I know it's because I was big to start with, but it's still cool to see the lil bump I have going.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bye Bye Expander!!!

I just got back from the orthodontist and she took my expander out... OUCH!!!! lol... And put molar bands on... OUCH!!! lol

I am glad to have the expander out. It feels weird to touch the roof of my mouth with my tongue. And I'm sure it's going to feel weird when I eat. But right now my teeth hurt to bad for me to eat... I'm going to be in pain for a few days...

I have impressions on the roof of my mouth from the expander... lil indentions lol...

I had my expander in for 24 weeks... Almost 5 months.... guess they were right when they said I would have it in for 4-6 months lol...

WOO HOOOOO!!!!! It's out!!!

13 weeks 5 days (FALL IS HERE)!!!!

I saw on another persons blog that they do two ups and two downs each week about the pregnancy. So I'm going to start trying to do this. Of course this means I will post every week... we'll see about that lol!!! I try, really I do, it just doesn't happen... I tend to forget! Sorry

2 downs -

1.) Hormones - Apparently my hormones are going crazy. And silly me, I thought Paul would be an little more understanding, but I guess not. Can't he just keep his mouth shut and realize that I don't understand what I'm saying either. That I know what I'm saying is crazy!! UGGGHHH!! Actually I guess it hasn't been that bad, and he does take care of me as much as possible.

2.) Round ligament pain - OMG!!!! lol... That's all I have to say. lol... When I stand up, lay down, stretch, go poop (push), turn around, sit down, walk, lol.... It hurts. Mostly on the right side... which I was a lil concerned about until I read online that it's more common on the right side...

2 Ups -

1. ) I got to hear the heartbeat the other day. It was so neat. WHOOSH WHOOOSH WHOOSSSH and it was reallly fast. So cool.... We also scheduled my next ultrasound (to tell the sex) for Oct 18th... I can't wait!!! WOO HOO!!!

2.) I think I'm starting to show...which is realllly cool. I can't wait to be like 20 weeks and have a noticeable belly on me... I also can't wait to feel the baby move... It's supposed to happen around 16 weeks or so... just a few more weeks left... I just want to feel him move around in there...

So those are my ups and downs (yep I stole that from Jens 40 weeks blog off of I don't think she'll mind though.

Paul's having a nervous break down. I think it's cause he's nervous about the baby and the changes that it's going to bring our way... But like I've said before... It's not like this pregnancy was a big surprise... Afterall we were TRYING to get pregnant!!! lol... I'm trying to be there for him... but the other day he said some reallly reallly reallly stupid stuff that realllllly made me mad. I know in the end he will be okay.

He also went to a therapist and get this... the therapist was able to prescribe something for his prostate that is completely natural, no side effects, not metabolized by the liver... AND IT"S WORKING!!!! It's great. I'm so happy that they finally found something that works... But I can't believe the therapist thought of it... not the 15 specialists we went to, not before they did all those tests to the poor boy... but he's just happy to have something help... It's a medicine for the nerve endings... interesting...

Fall is finally here!!! I am soooo frikkin excited... Fall is my favorite season... I absolutely love it... If it gets hot again I am going to scream. I can't wait to go to the apple cider, pumpkin patches, carve the pumpkin, start baking my pies yummm, start baking anything again (we haven't used the oven in months lol), start making my home made soups, decorating the house with the fall decorations and halloween decor... I just love fall... The colors, the smells, the tastes, the sights... Paul bought me a pumpkin nutmeg candle the other day... it smells soooo good! lol...

I had to take the cat to the vet last week cause I noticed he has a big sore on his belly... I was afraid that it was ring worm, but it doesn't appear to be... So we spent 94 bucks on a sore!!! lol... but it hasn't gone away yet. The vet gave me an antibiotic to give him and we did... and its made him sick... poor precious vomits a few times a day. I feel so bad for him. And the sore hasn't gotten any better or gone away... I'm afraid I'm going to have to take him back to the vet next week if it doesn't get better. I just want him to feel better. He's been very clingy (yes more clingy then usual lol) and doesn't go far from my side.....

Pebbles is doing good. I have to take her to the groomers tomorrow cause she needs her nails clipped. I always want them to bathe her... I give her a bath every week, but for some reason she always seems cleaner when they bathe her lol... I don't want her hair cut because it's starting to get cool and she gets cold easily. But I want the hair around her eyes trimmed so she can see lol, around her butt, and her ears.

I just looked at the kitts sore... And the hair from way around it (cause the vet shaved right around it) has folded over and is now stuck on the sore... i'm going to have to cut it... The sore ooozes icky stuff all the time, and it looks like it just dried this time and is sticky... I feel so bad for him...

Anyways, not much else is going on with me... I'm hungry!!! lol... always am now though!!!

I love my husband!!!!