Sunday, February 12, 2006

Kittie's Gone...

I just looked in the hallway and the kitty is gone. I just hope it isn't outside, it's so cold outside. I named her Chloe. Lol...

We just watched DH and GA. They were very good. Meredith got the bomb out of the dude and as the bomb technician was carrying the bomb down the hall it exploded, but only the bomb people were killed. Dr. McDreamy saved the Nazi's husband, and the Nazi delivered her baby with George's help, she even named the baby after George, George is the babies middle name. You can tell Dr. McDreamy is still in love with Meredith and Meredith is still in love with him. It was very good.

Right now I'm watching Roseanne. And listening to Precious' collar jingle against his food bowl. It's actually a relaxing sound.