Wednesday, March 01, 2006

New Laptop

Okay, I had this nice post all typed up last night and I got kicked offline before I could publish it. So I saved it in WORD and here it is.

I had this really nice, long post all typed up and then got kicked offline, so I lost it.

So here's the short version:

I got my laptop today. I love it. I've been downloading stuff like crazy. Music, AIM, Yahoo msngr, etc. It's sooo fast. Paul has to get me set up with out wireless connection though.

Today was my first day of work. I loved it. Aiden is so calm, and happy. He's also so young that he just plays in his bouncer and sleeps alot, so on Thursday I'm going to take my school work and my laptop with me and do some work.

I went to JoAnn's after work. Got some fabric for table runners, favor holders, ribbon, etc.

I had a migrain earlier, but it's gone now.

I got our PH Balance book today and I'm loving reading it. I can't wait to start the program.

My mom said our napkins arrived today.