Monday, February 06, 2006

Monday Night Class

I had class tonight. It was pretty good. Mostly I just listened to Holly, Laura, and Cindy talk about their kid troubles. Man I'm learning alot about kids from them. lol.. It's interesting listening to them though. I had to write my unwounded childhood for class tonight, it was pretty fun. I got to write about what I wish my childhood would have been like. Of course, the main thing in mine was that my father was involved in my life, and that my mother trusted me. Next week is about health. I think I'm going to enjoy doing next weeks homework. Damn, I forgot to get everyones last names and addresses. Damnit... I have to do that next week.

Anyways, I did another chapter on my school work today. I think it was chapter 22. l'm finally up to the roaring twenties. It's pretty interesting. I can't wait to get my mid-term back. I mailed it out on Saturday, February 4,2006. So I should get it back around February 18thish.

I also did laundry and vaccumed, the usual.

Wednesday or Thursday I'm going to PPH to get my BC. Woo Hoo!!! How exciting... yea right!! Atleast I don't have to have a pap done. I hate those damn things.

I was in ALOT of pain last night. It was just like the pain I was having in April of last year. Where my back on the right side hurt and my tummy hurt. I was doubled over in pain from about midnight to three a.m. It wasn't fun. Around 3 Paul woke up and asked me what was wrong and I told him, then he got me an Excedrin and a Benadryl, hoping the pain would stop and I could sleep. Well, I don't remember anything after taking the pills so I guess I did sleep....

Oh funny story... I woke up this morning while Paul was getting ready for work (the pain was gone). And I saw that he was putting on his long johns, and I thought "good he's wearing them... it's so cold outside". And then I thought I went back to sleep. BUT Paul says that I looked at him and said "HI" then reached out for him, he walked over to me and kissed me and hugged me and we said "I love you" to each other. I don't remember any of that. Other then seeing him put on his Long Johns. How funny is that!!!!

The cat is anxious right now. He's wanting to get fed, even thought it's only 10:00. Lol.. So I guess lunch isn't helping his night time hunger too much, it does make him less annoying sometimes though, so that's good.

No email back from Aunt Sharon yet. Hopefully I'll get one back from her tomorrow.

I should be getting my "South Beach Diet" book in the mail soon. Good, I'm looking foward to doing that. It should be interesting, I hope I lose more weight. We're going to work out tomorrow also.

Paul tried to cash my birthday check from my mom today but couldn't because the date was written out to 2005 instead of 2006. How funny is that... It's just because the year is so new and she accidently wrote '05. So the bank wouldn't cash it because they can't cash checks over 6 months old... so that was a bummer... so now I have to wait even longer before I can get another pair of jeans... oh well... that's life... you don' always get what you want when you want...

The cat's setteled down, he's sleeping across his couch cushion... all stretched out... Lol.