Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I had a busy day today... very busy.

I did my school work this morning... only 5 chapters left.

Then I took a hot bath and deep conditioned my hair.

Then of course, AMC was on.

At 2:00 I went to Wal-Mart and spent $154... I was there for over an hour. We are all stocked up on things... YAY!!! I got a Febreeze Noticibles air freshner... and it smells really good. It's one of those plug in things. I plugged it up in the dining room and it made the dining room, kitchen, and living room smell REALLY good. Then I also got an Airwicks thingy... it's also a plug in. I put it in the bedroom... it's lavender scented... relaxing and smells good too!!! Of course, I got a bunch of other stuff too. I got a new nail polish... I like it, it's pretty. I got a new eye liner and mascara... I don't care for the mascara though... I'll use it though... maybe I'll get used to it. I got some kleenexs... I still can't believe we ran out... I never run out of anything!!! My home is always fully stocked with everything... and before I run out I buy more... except kleenexs apparently... Lol...

I stopped by Rite Aid and got Paul some Jack Daniels for V-day... he liked it. I hid it from him in the entertainment center and he was looking in there thinking I got him a TV show on DVD and didn't even see the Jack until like 5 minutes after standing there looking... It was sooo funny. Jen and I were laughing so hard. Lol....

When I was driving home from Rite Aid I had my window cracked because I was really hot and a huge snowball fell off of a tree and into my car window... It hit me on the head and I got soaked... I was so pissed. Lol... At first I thought some idiot kid threw a snowball at me, but when I stopped I didn't see anyone, but noticed I was under a bunch of trees... Lol... Oh well...

Then I got home and put all the Wal-Mart stuff away, and by the time I was done with that it was 4:20 and Paul was home. So I got ready and we went out to dinner at Abuelos... It was sooo goooood. And I got a Tropical Rum Punch.. YUM!!! I'm still full from dinner at it's 11:30 p.m.... Lol!!

After we ate we went to Best Buy so Paul could get me "Golden Girls" and I could get him his other V-day present... At first I couldn't find "X-Files" so I grabbed "Party of Five" for him, but then I found "X-Files" season 1 so I got that for him... he really likes it. And when "Roseanne" goes off in a couple of minutes, I'm going to watch my first "Golden Girls" of season 4.

We watched LOST and INVASION a little bit ago... they were very good. Sayid found a guy in the woods and thinks he one of the "others" so he tortured him, and now really believes that he is one of the "others". On INVASION Kira goes into the water and gets taken by the lights... when Tom finds her she's has those hole things on her. Also, Merrielle finds out that she has a huge ovary full of eggs from the "ligths" in her. So it's like she's pregnant with the aliens babies... UGH!!! And that crazy chick Kristina looks like she's pregnant too... and it going to "give birth" next week... Looks good!!!

Well, time for my first episode of season 4 "Golden Girls" YAY!!!!

I love Paul!!!