Tuesday, December 09, 2008

cough, cough, sniffle, sniffle

Paul and I are both sick right now. Paul had to stay home from work yesterday and today because he was so sick. Today I woke up sick. I'm just praying Cooper doesn't get this - he's just started with a wet cough in the past 2-3 hours though. 

Paul and I have runny noses, sneezes, sore throat and aches. Yesterday Paul had a fever all day, no fever today though, just extremely tired. Today I woke up with a sore throat, a stuffed up nose, and a killer headache that has lingered all day. 

I've been popping homeopathics, air born, and vita c all day... hoping that at least helps it go away quicker. We'll see. 

I just pray Cooper doesn't get sick.