Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Thanks Daddy!!

So I managed to talk him into going to Babies R Us!!! Of course the Starbucks helped! lol

They didn't have two valances so we just got one... Here's what we got -

* Patchwork Pooh Hamper
* Patchwork Pooh Valance (just one)
* Patchwork Pooh Wall Art
* Tigger Robe and Booties
* Pooh Bear Hooded 2 Pack Towel Set (Paul picked this out!!!)

Since they didn't have two valances we were able to get the rob and towels!!! It was so much fun walking around Babies R Us... We went to a different one then usual... We usually got to the one at M53 and Hall, but we went to the one at Masonic and Gratiot... it was nice. Paul likes the one we went to tonight better because he hates driving down Hall road... It wasn't bad, but the shelves were pretty empty, most likely because it's the Holidays, but still...

I totally enjoyed myself. I swear I could live in that place. It's like pure heaven... Just seeing a the little baby stuff, and touching all the soft blankets... Love it!!

Paul was such a sweetie too... He just followed me around and of course agreed with everything I said. This is what he usually does when we go shopping together... I guess he think it'll make me move faster, but it really doesnt. lol... He even picked out the pooh bear towels!! It was nice.

Anyways, I got onion rings in the toaster oven and they just dinged. So I'm off to go get our onion rings!!! YUMMY!!!