Thursday, December 20, 2007

Busy day

Man I'm pooped!!! I had a busy day today!

First off Paul woke me up at 9... not 9:30 like I had asked him too!!! So I was a lil grumpy, but got over it. I haven't gotten up before 1030 in months and it wasn't easy getting up that early! lol But I got up and showered.

Pebbles had her grooming appointment at 11. I picked her up at 2 and she is sooo pretty!! She's so soft and smells like a cookie!! They even put a Christmas bandana on her, it's so cute!!! She's pooped though and has been sleeping since I picked her up. I can only imagine how stressful that is on her. They gave her a hair cut, bath, oatmeal bath, massage, clipped her nails, trimmed her face feet and butt, cleaned out her ears, squeezed her anal glands... Sounds stressful to me!! lol

So after I dropped Pebbles off at the groomers I headed to Salvation Army. I had 3 bags of clothes I wanted to donate and have been meaning to do it for so long. I finally got around to it today.

After Salvation Army I went to Chrysler to get my oil changed. I got to Chrysler at 1130. After waiting over an hour and almost crying a few times because I was so hungry and didn't want to wait... It shouldn't take longer then 20 minutes for an oil change! I mean the sign says "QUICK OIL CHANGE" lol. So at 12:40 I went and asked the guy how much longer it was going to be. He was a little surprised that I was still there and said he would go check and see what's going on. So I sat down at his desk and he came back a few minutes and said that it would be 5-10 minutes and the oil change would be free!!! 10 minutes later my pager went off saying that my car was ready. I went to the counter and true to his word I didn't pay a penny!!! It was nice that they ended up covering the cost, but I'm still peeved that I sat there for over an hour for a frikkin oil change!!! lol...

By this point I'm STARVING!!! lol... So since the oil change was free I stopped at Subway and got a 6 in. cold cut trio for myself and a 6 in. tuna for Paul.

On the way home I stopped at CVS to drop Paul's prescription off. Then came home, ate my Subway and then it was time to pick Pebbles up!

Pebbles was so happy to see me!! On the way home I stopped at CVS (drive thro) to pick up Pauls prescription. We had to sit and wait a few minutes, but that was okay, Pebbles was enjoying looking out the window. And then the lady gave her a doggie cookie, so she was fine!!!

After CVS I stopped and filled my car up. I figured it's the last time it'll be driven before we leave for AR and I wanted to make sure the tank was full so we don't have to bother with that at 5 a.m. on Saturday.

When I got home I did some more packing, organized things a little better.

Paul and I just got home from Kroger. We had to return the movies to Blockbuster (Nanny Diaries was pretty good). And we wanted to return bottles and go to coin star in Kroger. We had almost 17 bucks worth of change!!! Woo hoo!!! lol

So now I'm just relaxing. Paul is sitting on the other end of the couch on his laptop, the cat is laying between us on a pillow, and pebbles is sound asleep on the blankey lol... Yep, those are my babies!! And I'm proud to say it!! I'd shout it from the roof tops! lol Love them all soooo much!!!

