Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Glucose Test - 26 wks 3 days

I called the Mid Wives office today to get the results of my glucose test.


She said that everything came back normal. So I shouldn't have to take another test through out the pregnant. I'm so happy.

I was a little nervous because diabetes runs so high in my family. But everything turned out fine.


I'm so excited that I'm almost in my third trimester!! How freakin crazy is that!! Seems like yesterday I found out I was pregnant, and now I'm almost in the home stretch. I'm so excited about it!! It's crazy!!!


So tomorrow I'm going to Kohls. I have a 15% off total purchase coupon and I wanna get a couple long sleeve shirts to wear on our car ride. I wanna make sure I'm comfy and my velour pants are my most comfy ones, but I don't have any regular shirts that go with it. So I'm gonna get some. And since Pebbles chewed my bra a little I'm going to get a new one. Kohls has maternity bras for like 15 bucks. They looked really comfy too... and NO UNDERWIRE!!! Yay!!! I'll give it a try. I'm excited... I get to get out of the house.

And then on Friday I'm going to Babies R Us to get diapers and wipes. I atleast get to use my $5.00 off Pampers coupon and my $2.00 off wipes coupone. My limit is $60-$100 (I'm not sure yet) for baby this period. And I'm including my shirt and bra in that.

Shirt - $9.00
Bra - $16.00
Diapers - $37.00
Wipes - $22.00

This total is $84.00...

If I can use $100 then I'll get the closet organizer too. With my 15% off coupon the organizer is $22.50... Not bad!!! I'll be just a few bucks over.

Well, I'm gonna go read some of Gentle Birth Choices.... I love that book!!

