Saturday, March 04, 2006

Busy day

We've had a pretty busy day today. I got up about an hour before Paul did and did some tests online. I think I did about 4 or 5. I did okay on them. 88% on all of them. I should have done better, so I was kicking myself for hours over that.

Last night I worked late. It was okay. Aiden slept most of the time. He woke up once screaming and I gave him a bottle and he fell back asleep. I was really tired when I got home though.

We went to the Post Office to figure out how much it was gonna cost to mail our invitations. It's $.63. Not bad. So we got some cute stamps and just stuffed them. That was time consuming.

After the Post Office, we went to Burlington to pick up Paul's suit. It fits him perfect. When we got home he tried it on, with the shirt, tie, shoes. He looked sooo handsome.

After Burlington we went to Gibraltor to get Paul's ring resized. But they said they can't resize it because it's titanium. What a bummer. I don't know what we're gonna go. I have to get ahold of the company and either see if they can size it, exchange it for a different size, or return it all together. That totally sucked when the guy told us that. I was so upset. He said that the website should have said that, but it didn't. According to the website we can return it and possibly have it sized. There's a store in Great Lakes Crossing. Paul's going to go there sometime this week during his lunch break.

Anyways, after Burlington, we went to look at condo's. We looked at North Point again (where Jesse and Todd live) and really like those. They're inexpensive and very nice. Just no basement. But we can get that, save money for a few years and then buy a house. We also looked at the new ones in Harrison Twp. They were nice. Not sure though.

Anyways, we haven't done much since we've gotten home. Just ate, saw Paul in his suit, and did the invitations. We're not sure what we're going to do tonight. If Beth and Mike don't go to his parents house, then we might go over there. But if they do then we'll just stay at home and watch "X-Files".

Anyways, I think I'm going to go out to the car and get the JoAnn's bag. Oh yea, we went there too. I got some ribbon, a scrapbook, and beeswax. Can't wait to start making the favors!!! I think I might see how the stones that I got from Gibraltor look in my flower thingys I made.