Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Pumping = Frustrations

This is going to be a rant, so beware!

I am so sick and tired of pumping all the time. I wish Cooper would latch on and I would never have to pump again.

I hate having to plan my days events around my pumping schedule, which is every 2-4 hours. I can't go anywhere for longer then three hours unless I can pump there (friends house I can pump at, mall I can't). It's so frustrating to have to plan my day around pumping... "Okay I have to pump at noon so I can't go to the store until right after I pump, and I have to be back before four."

I can never pump without making a huge mess. Our couch has breast milk stains all over it. I go through so many clothes and pajamas because I'm always spilling milk out of those stupid bottles. Whose frikkin bright idea was it to put two tiny holes at the top of those pumping bottles?!!? It's ridiculous. That's how I'm always spilling milk.

I can't eat, pee, drink, etc. until I pump when I get up. When I get up I am so engorged, leaking, etc. that I need to hurry up and pump. I hate having wet spots on my shirt all the time. I never leak when I have breast pads on, but the second I take those damn things out I'm leaking all over the frikkin place. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

And it's even harded when I don't have Paul's help. When I'm pumping and Cooper is fussy Paul can calm him down (if he's home). Well he goes back to work tomorrow, so I'll be on my own again. It's so hard to sit there and pump and hear Cooper crying and crying and crying because he wants to be held. And I can't hold him and pump at the same time... I make an even bigger mess when I attempt that.

When I get up in the middle of the night I have to start warming up Coopers bottle, keep him calm while the bottle is warming, feed him, burp him, change his diaper, lay him down (and pray he doesn't start screaming), and then pump. This is why I don't hardly eat, drink, or pee in the middle of the night. By the time I'm done doing all that 1.5-2 hours has gone by and I don't feel like snacking, drinking, or peeing... And I get hungry DAMNIT!

I just wish he would latch on so I wouldn't have to pump....

And I'm getting sick and tired of cleaning all those damn bottles!!! lol... I know thats a little thing in the grand scheme, but I am! It seems like the only dishes I do anymore or bottles and breast pump supplies.

If he would latch on I wouldn't have to pump as much, wouldn't make a huge mess every 2-4 hours, wouldn't have 2 million bottles to wash and sterlize 400 times a day, wouldn't have to let my baby "just cry" because I'm busy pumping, would maybe get to eat, drink and pee every now and then, would be able to go to the mall without worrying about pumping in 3 hours, etc.... UGH!!!

I will admit though, it is definitely worth it. I would rather my baby have breast milk instead of formula... No offense to people with formula feed babies, but studies have proven that breast milk is far superior to formula. And formula is just plain nasty!!! Breast milk doesn't have any smell, tastes sweet (yes I've tasted it), and their poop has no odor as well... It's amazing!!

So since I would rather Cooper have breast milk instead of formula I have to pump 20 billion times a day because he's too damn stubborn/lazy and won't latch on... Wonder where he gets his stubborness from?!?! Not me, that's for sure! LOL

If only he would latch on....

If only.....