Friday, April 18, 2008

I've come to realize....

Since having Cooper I've come to realize that...

- I've come to realize that I'm never sleeping longer then 4 hours at a time again.
-I've come to realize that I'm going to late for everything no matter how much planning I do to be on time.
-I've come to realize that I hate pumping so much.
-I've come to realize that Cooper is getting bigger everyday.
-I've come to realize that Cooper changes every time I wake up.
-I've come to realize that we don't "travel" light anymore.
-I've come to realize that we can't leave the house without diapers, wipes, pacifiers, bottles, nipple shield, breast pump and all accessories, diaper cream, a clean outfit for Cooper, a clean shirt for me, burp cloths, blankets, and toys... And that's just for a trip to Kroger!
-I've come to realize that I will never watch a television show all the way through again. Thank goodness for DVR's!!
-I've come to realize that eating is something I do when I can, not because I want to.
-I've come to realize that cleaning is over rated, I don't need a clean house to be happy.
-I've come to realize that the shower starting is like an alarm clock for Cooper.
-I've come to realize that I will never shave my legs again.
-I've come to realize that we're lucky if we have clean clothes to wear because who has time for laundry.
-I've come to realize that life doesn't get any better then this!
-I've come to realize that I enjoy every second of having Cooper in my life!
-I've come to realize that I don't mind all the "disrupts" to my life... I don't even consider then disrupts, more like blessings!!
-I've come to realize Cooper is my life, and he always will be, but I still need to take care of myself and my husband.
-I've come to realize that my husband is a wonderful man - so helpful and amazing!
-I've come to realize that I can't imagine how single mothers do it.
-I've come to realize that crying in the middle of the night with Cooper is perfectly normal and fine!
-I've come to realize that when Cooper's eyes are closed he's not really asleep because when we open the door, or get comfy in bed, he wakes up and starts crying.
-I've come to realize that A&D ointment is a godsend!
-I've come to realize that Pampers totally suck - Donating one vaccine for every package of Pampers bought, yea I'm not supporting that!
-I've come to realize that no matter what outfit Cooper is in, even if it's just a onesie, he is totally adorable!
-I've come to realize that Cooper is the light of my life!
-I've come to realize that even though he's only been here 6 weeks it feels like he's always been in my life.
-I've come to realize that I can't imagine my life without Cooper in it.
-I've come to realize that baths have a natural calming effect on babies.
-I've come to realize that when Cooper is hungry he means NOW, not in 10 minutes when the bottle is warm.
-I've come to realize that I can't drive when Cooper is crying, I have to pull over and feed him, burp him, change his diapers... whatever he needs.
-I've come to realize that Cooper crying pulls at my heart strings.
-I've come to realize that I will do whatever I have to do to calm Cooper down when he's upset.
-I've come to realize that Cooper likes to have some kind of background noise on when he sleeps (fan, sound machine, whatever).
-I've come to realize that Pebbles is okay with Coopers arrival.
-I've come to realize that baby stuff is expensive.
-I've come to realize that we always need baby stuff.
-I've come to realize that schedules and routine aren't an option to an infant... we do what he wants when he wants.
-I've come to realize that I love my son with all my heart!!!!