Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A quiet house...

The house is quiet right now. I just tucked Paul in. All I can hear is the tv (Roseanne) and the cats collar clinking on his food dish. Of course he thought he was starving again tonight!! Lol...

Anyways, I had a busy day today. I got up this morning and went straight to Wal-Mart and spent 150 bucks. I enjoy going to Wal-Mart without Paul. He's always rushing me and I like to look. Lol... I got alot of stuff.... toothpaste, toothburshes, cat littler, cat food, toilet paper, paper plates, laundry soap, fabric softner, candles, and tons of other stuff. I also got Paul some new undies... He seems to like them. And I got me some new ear rings, I really like them. Oh, and I got a new fingernail polish. It's really pretty, so during AMC I did my nails. Paul said they were looked nice.. .Of course he didn't notice himself, I had to point it out. But that's nothing new. Lol..Then after AMC I went to Kroger to get a few things. I got an avacado for Paul, some jelly, mayo, and some of those TGIF sweet smokey chicken tenders. Man those are good. lol...

Paul and I worked out today. I haven't lost any weight since last week. I did some sit ups today. It felt good. If I'm not sore tomorrow I want to do someone, and if no ones in the club house. I hate working out when people are in there, I feel like they're watching me. Thank goodness no one was in there today.

I ordered the South Beach Diet book today from Amazon. I'm going to give it a try. Should be interesting. My book should be here sometime next week.

My mom said she mailed me my picture. But the albums she had were one 3 and under or 7 and up. She left my 4-5 years in storage. So she sent me a pic from when I was 7. That should work...

I also called my dad today. It's his 50th birthday. Although he didn't call me on my birthday, didn't even send me a card... figures... And even when I mentioned my birthday he didn't say happy birthday... Who cares if he says it 10 days late... It would have been nice to hear him say it. Oh well... I also told him that we weren't getting married at Grandma and Grandpa's and he didn't say anything about forgetting to ask them for me... Whatever Dad. I really don't care anymore. He said he'd come visit me if I had tickets to the Superbowl. Actually he said he would fly in Sunday morning, I could pick him up from the airport, and then he would fly out that night. He's never coming to see me. Whatever... he's an ass anyways... in the fact that he doesn't give a shit about me. I mean I'm getting married to the guy I've been living with for 4 years and he's never met him, talked to him, or even asked about him. Shows me how much he cares... Once again, Asshole!!

Anyways, enough of that crap. The cat is kneeding "his" blankey. Lol... Trying to make it nice and soft so he can curl up and go to sleep... hopefully. Lol...

Oh, I finished my book today. And I was right, it was the boyfriend Trevor. But there were ALOT of circumstances that made him kill Honor. It was a good book though, I think I've talked Paul into reading it so I'm not going to mention to many details here in case he does.

I've started reading another book. (I know I go from one book to another). I've started reading Island by Richard Laymon. Here's what the back of the book says:

When Rupert Conway set out on a cruise with seven other people, he planned to swim a little, get some sun and relax. He certainly didn't plan to get shipwrecked. But after the yatch blew up, that's what happened -- he and his shipmates were stranded on a deserted island. Luckily for them, the island has plenty of fresh water and enough food to last until they get rescued. And luckily for Rupert, most of his fellow castaways are attractive women.
But that's where his luck ran out -- because the castaways aren't alone on the island. In the dense jungle beyond the beach there's a maniac on the loose, a killer with a murderous heart, a clever mind and a taste for blood. He doesn't like his new neighbors and plans to slaughter them all.... one by one.

Sounds pretty damn good to me. I'll let you know!!!