Wednesday, January 25, 2006

All My Children

We are watching All My Children right now. Zach and Erica are hilarious any time they get in the same room together!!! Always antagonizing each other! And why the hell can't Erica just be happy for Kendall?!?! Talk about a domineering mother!! She would drive me totally nuts!! And when she finds out Kendall wants to marry Zach??!!? Watch out Pine Valley!!
I wish Ryan would have really died when he drove off that cliff. That man drives me crazy. You would think that he would be happy that Kendall is happy, but since she's not happy with him then she can't be happy at all. Talk about an egotistical bastard.
And I wonder about Jonathon. Is he really okay now? He comes across that way, and I actually feel sorry for him right now. Janet is totally crazy, but also a genius at the same time. She's commiting all these heinous crimes and pinning them on Johnny-Boy!
Janet really is crazy!! And that building she has set up is something else! I can't believe she has those things showing all the crimes she's commited... and she's actually proud of herself, and thinks that Amanda is proud of her too. I'm looking foward to seeing what she does when she gets out of that building.
I love Kendall and Zach together. They balance each other out very well. For once Kendall isn't questioning every thing Zach does for her. I know that Ryan is in the process of proving that Zach caused the blackout, and I know it's going to make Kendall question Zach, but I hope she doesn't blow it with Zach. They are wayyyy too good for each other. I wonder if Zach really caused the blackout. And if he did why? Was it to prevent Kendall from getting pregnant? Or did he want her to be implanted with his sperm? I read that the baby isn't Ryan's OR Zach's. So I wonder who's it is... Hmmm... Guess time will tell! I've also heard that it might have been Ethan that caused the blackout.
I'm also enjoying seeing Babe and JR back together. Babe really brings him down to earth, knocks the asshole right out of him!! I know alot of people don't like Babe because of the whole baby switch thing, but I never really stopped liking her. I thought she did what she thought she had to do. And when she didn't find out that Bess was Miranda she tried to tell Binks TONS of times, but everytime she tried to tell her someone stopped her (David or Krystal).
Krystal and Adam together are so comical. It's like "War of the Roses"!
Dixie is returning to PV during Erica's Mardi Gras Gala, wonder what everyone will think when they see her. JR is going to be shattered... AGAIN! And Tad??? Whoa!! He's finally falling for Di (And I really like them together), but you know that's going to fall apart as soon as he sees "The love of his life". A prominent PV citizen is supposed to die during Erica's Gala, curtesy Janet. I haven't heard who that's supposed to be yet. Joe? Palmer? Janet herself, but she's not really prominent is she? It could also be Ethan, although I don't think of him as prominent either, but I say Ethan because James Scott has been let go from the show.
I believe that Josh IS Erica's son. But I don't believe that he is Kendall's twin. I think that SOMEHOW he is the baby that Erica tried to abort when she was pregnant with Jeff Martins baby. That explains why Greg has the dosier of the Martin family and is so damn interested in Erica.

Anyway, I guess I'm done for now, not much else is going on that interests me.