Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Another Typical Day!

Today I wasn't feeling well, so we didn't work out. I did vaccum and do a load of laundry though. The love of my life, Paul, stopped and picked up some chicken noodle soup for me on his way home from work. So I had chicken noodle soup and fresh french bread for dinner. It was yummy!! I also filled out some of my "Bride's Journal" that Fay for me for my birthday. It was pretty interesting, it asked me to write about my first relationships, and my first thoughts on love. I also started filling out our wedding book. Paul didn't know the names of his grandparents though so I have to wait till I talk to Fay about that. When I first got up I worked on my "Love Yourself, Heal Your Life Workbook". That was pretty interesting. I had to write my thoughts on men today. HAHA! I wrote that men are assholes, predictable, forgiving, loving, smart, busy, not thoughtful, forgetful, hardworking, loud, quiet, love, procastinators, blind, and fun. We also did our taxes today. We are getting back $840 from Federal. Awesome!! It'll help with the wedding. We can acutally start buying stuff for the wedding when we get the refund!!! That'll be fun. But I know Paul will stand in the store with his arms folded across his chest totally bored. I also have to schedule my first dress fitting. I'm going to make it for February 1st. I am currently reading "Enemy Mine" by Kay Hooper. I am 211 pages in. It's a pretty good book. Kinda romance adventure.