Friday, March 21, 2008

On a lighter note...

So on a lighter note, Coops cord fell off Wednesday night!!! Woo hoo!!! We can now give him a real bath, which we will do tomorrow.

We went to the peditrician yesterday. Cooper now weighs 6 lbs and is 19.25 inches long!! He's a growing boy!!! My breast milk is definitely sustaining him, that's for sure!!!

Cooper latched on really good earlier tonight for about 20 minutes and has now been asleep for almost 2 hours after that!!! I pumped about an hour after he latched on and got less than an ounce out of the breast he was on... And 2 ounces out of the one he wasn't on... So he totally emptied the one breast!!! Yippee!!! He's getting better at latching on... of course we kinda tricked him. At first he wouldn't latch on (even with the shield), so we gave him a bottle right next to my breast, let him suck on that for a second (he was getting expressed breastmilk out of it), then pulled the bottle out of his mouth and stuck my shielded breast in!!! It totally worked!!! lol

He has been sleeping very peacefully since he emptied my booby!!! Such a cutie!!! We should go to bed, but he's been sleeping for a couple of hours now. As soon as we get to sleep he'll wake up!! I just know it! lol.... We should try though....

Here we go... wish us luck!!! LOL!!!

