Monday, October 01, 2007

Baby Move 16wk1day

I think I felt the baby move this morning. I'm not sure if that's what it was though. It was like a little flutter on the left bellow my belly button. Felt a couple little (very faint) thumps. I've been laying really still trying to feel it again, and haven't had any luck. I know that it can take a few weeks to feel the baby move regularly. But now that I think I've felt it I don't want it to stop (if it's the baby I felt). I want to feel it all the time!!! lol...

I think I feel it again (every few minutes) but I dont know if that's "wishful thinking". Ya know, me making myself think I'm feeling something lol..

I just want to feel it allll the time!!!

I'm on too much of a baby high right now to do ups and downs... Will do later!!!
