Thursday, December 21, 2006

Seattle and Vajayjay

Seattle and Vayjayjay.... how appropriate!! lol...

Today Paul's job asked him to go to Seattle in the middle of January. Around my bday :( He'll leave around the 15 and be gone for like 5-6 days. It makes me a little sad. It's the first time we're away from each other since we got married. And it's the first time that he's left and not me. And it's the first time that I'll be alone at night in our HUGE house... a little scary. All the other times that we've been apart I was in AR... so it's different this time... But I guess I'm a big girl, so I'll live.

Jen still hasn't had her baby... Soon though.

Anyways, I shaved my Vajayjay!!! I still can't believe it. I don't know why I did it, just decided to do it... It's a little itchy, and is only going to get itchier, but I'm thinking about keeping it shaved... we'll see. Paul's not used to it either. He'll get used to it though. But it is itchy... Lol...

Not much else is going on. I can't believe Christmas is in 4 days, it's freakin crazy. Jen's going to spend Christmas Eve night with us, so Christmas morning we can do a big breakfast and open gifts.

Jess got a leave... he's going to Elkhart. I'm trying to talk him into coming to see me for a little bit. He said Gloria has the 25th and the 26th off. So I told them to drive up Christmas evening and spend the night and they could leave the evening of the 26th. Hopefully they come and see us. It'll be the last time I see him for a few years...

Anyways, not much going on... Just wanted to check in!!!

Paul and I made love tonight, wonderful wonderful wonderful... Love that man!!!!