Saturday, April 08, 2006


Okay, so it's been a while since my last entry so this may be long.

First let me start with 18 DAYS!! Woo Hoo!!

I didn't do much on Monday. Just kinda chilled and cleaned a little. And of course I had BA. I did go tanning though.

On Tuesday I worked a full day. Aiden was pretty good though, not really fussy or anything.

On Wednesday I worked in the morning, went tanning, did laundry, watched LOST, and went to bed. Lol...

I know my life sucks!

On Thursday I worked and cleaned.

On Friday... Friday was a fun day. First thing I went to the clinic to pick up my new supply of B.C. Well, when I left home it was POURING down rain.

I also looked at my phone and saw that my dad called... Huh?!?! Yep, that's right... my dad called. Lol.. I couldn't believe it. So I called him to back to see what he wanted and he said "I just wanted to see how everything was going". I couldn't believe. He didnt' call for any specific reason... just to see how thing were going. It shocked the hell outta me. But we had a good 20 minutes conversation. He says he's going to be there. We'll see... I'm actually expecting him to not show up. That was if he doesn't, it doesn't ruin my day. And if he does show... GREAT!

Anyways, at the clinic they told me that they don't carry Mircette anymore, so they switched me back to Aleese. Which is what I was on when I first started B.C..... oh geez.... 5 years ago... Lol...

My period is really heavy today and I'm a little crampy. It's weird... I haven't had a period this heavy in a LONG time. I wonder what's up. It could be the stress of the wedding... I dunno... I do know that next month my period will be heavy again, because it will take a few months for the new B.C. to stabalize in my system. But its weird that its heavy today.

Last night was my shower. It was so much fun. Not like PARTAAY fun... relaxing fun. The shower was at Cyndi's house. So Sally, Hollie, Laura, Cyndi (of course), Michelle, and Tina came. I got there right after Tina and Sally, so Tina did my card reading first. It's just so amazing how she just... knows things... and I'm not kidding... she knows things about yourself that NO ONE else knows. It's weird... kinda freaky... Anyways, she said that Paul and I will have a long happy marraige. She said we have a solid foundation, and room to grow. She also said that I would have some trouble conceiving, but would conceive within 5 years... FIVE YEARS?!??! I don't wanna wait that long... Lol... Anyways, I don't know how much of the stuff she told me I believe, but it is definitly interesting.

Anyways, for the dinner we had veggie lasagna, some kinda pasta soup, salad, and garlic bread... Everything was sooo goooooood. Just amazing. And for dessert we had a very yummy cheesecake.

We pretty much just set around and talked while everyone was getting their readings done. It takes like an hour and a half per reading. I didn't leave until almost 1 a.m. But it was so much fun.

For gifts, I got a really nice cook book, and some really nice picture frames from Hollie, Laura, Cyndi, and Michelle. Tina got us some really yummy smelling apple candles. And Sally got us some glass, those flexible chopping mats, and a silicone spoon and spatula set.

All in all, I had a great time.... Alot of fun...

Today we're going to go to Wal-Mart and get a small dehumidifier for the bedroom. I also want to pick up thank you cards for everyone from last night. Then we might drive around and look at some houses. We still have some wedding stuff that needs to be done. I still have to get tableclothes... We have to finish the favors.... pick out a cake... small stuff like that...

Oh yea, Tina also said that our wedding will go off beautifully. No rain, and no one causing a scene. Woo Hoo!!!