Sunday, April 02, 2006

24 Days...

It's been a few days since my last entry.

On Thursday I worked. Aiden was in a very good mood. I worked a long day and didn't get off until 7 that night. It was a very long day and I was tired.

On Friday I did the usual... clean. Lol.. Went tanning, chatted with Nathan. I like chatting with him, he's easy to talk to and an interesting person.

On Friday night we had a horrible storm. It was so scary. Paul called Beth around 730ish and was talking to her and she asked if it was storming here and we said "no, not even rain" but we could hear the rain and thunder from her end of the phone. And she kept saying "OMG, OMG the lightening is so bright." Then about 30 minutes later it started here. The lightening was sooo bad and then thunder was so loud. It was raining so hard we couldn't see the apartments across the way. I was chatting with Nathan so that helped keep my mind off of it, plus we closed the blinds so I couldn't see the lightening as much.

I finally got me some on Saturday. It was nice. Felt reallly good. Lol..

On Saturday we looked at a house. It was nice but not "THE" house. So the search contiues... Lol...

Saturday night we went to Beth's and hung out. The guys watched "Office Space". Beth and I hung out in the basement talkin. Towards the end of the night she was a lil bit drunk and started repeating herself... But that's normal. We also played a short hand of spades. They won... but not by much.

Today we went to Fay and Jerry's. Had sketti with meatballs. It was yummy. Then we went to Wal-Mart got some cat food, ribbon, mascara, a shirt for Paul and a belt for Paul.

Now we're sitting at home doing nothing... Paul's playing neopets and might do some work later and I'm chatting with Nathan and he said something about me learning how to play online pool... should be interesting... Lol

OMG I almost forgot. I called Aunt Sharon today on the way to Fay and Jerry's. I miss her so much. We didn't talk long because she was eating lunch. But we shared some good memories from when I was young. I haven't seen or talked to her since I was like 4 or 5. It was good talking to her. I can't wait to see her in a few weeks... I'm looking foward to it.

We also finished the favors today. Or atleast put the finished ones in the bags. There's only like 7 more that need ribbons and bows and then we'll be all done with the favors. Woo Hoo!! Can't wait to get that out of the way.