Thursday, May 08, 2008

Pooper Cooper is back...

with a vengeance!! LOL

Cooper finally pooped today for the first time since Saturday night. That makes 5 days without pooping. 120 hours. 7200 minutes. 432000 seconds... without pooping!!! LOL

And it was messay!! LOL Came out both legs, out the back, and the front!! Got on his outfit and covered his poor pee pee. His whole diapered area was completely covered in poop. And it was all sticky and gooey... I seriously should have taken a picture just to show him when he's like 15. Lol

Go Cooper!!! Woo hoo.... Let the countdown begin to the next poop....

How many days will it be?


PS- I also ordered for the Happy Heiney One Size Diaper and the KangaBaby One Size Diaper. From all the reviews I've read they are supposed to be less bulky then the BumGenius. Let's hope so!!! LOL Hopefully they'll be here by Monday.