Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!!

I know, I'm a day late, but I want to wish all the mommies and mommy-to-be's in the world a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

I had a good day yesterday. Paul got me a very sweet card!! We went to Beth's (sister in law and awesome friend) and hung out there most of the afternoon. Got there around 1ish and hung out till about 5. It was really nice because we hadn't been there in so long because of the gas prices and she lives so far. We used to go there every weekend (sometimes Fri AND Sat) but with the price of gas these days that just isn't possible anymore. However, I would like to start trying to go more often... Maybe once a month, esp now with summer right around the corner... They have totally awesome BBQ's in the summer!!!

Anyways, I've gotten off track here -

So we went to Beth's. Mom and Dad (In laws) were there, Tim and Belinda (bro and sis in law) and Shay (neice) were there as well. Tim and Belinda gave me $50 for Mother's Day!! How great of them! It was totally unexpected and such a wonderful suprise. Mike (Beth's fiance) made Cajun Chicken Pasta for lunch... Yum-O!! It was nice to go and just veg out at their house!!!

Yesterday and today were such crappy days weather wise... Rainy, cloudy and just over all icky!!! Paul took today off so we had a nice three day weekend as a family. I love spending time with my guys. They truly are a blessing.

The cloth diapers I ordered for last week came today. I got a Happy Heiny, Wahmie, and Baby Kanga. They are washed and ready to go for tomorrow... can't wait to try them. Actually they are rinsed, we don't have the right kind of detergent to wash them yet. Paul is picking up some Country Save Detergent on his way home from work tomorrow. We have to use certain kinds of detergent so the diapers don't get a build up on them which would then mess up the absorbancy of them dipes.

Well, Coop's bottle should be warm by now so off I go!!! Hope everyone is having a nice night!!!

Lots of love to all!!!