Sunday, January 28, 2007

My Life...

My life has turned into work... Lol... But ya know what? I really don't mind. It's weird... I actually enjoy the work, but that's not to say that it isnt frustrating... Like today... I had to get up at 4:20 this morning to be at the carpool at 520... But I did okay... I was awake by the time I left the house... I drove to Great Lakes Crossing... We crammed 4 other people in my car... It was funny... But they all fit... Today was frustrating... we did Urban Behavor, and about 90% of the SKUs were faded so we had to punch the SKU numbers in... It took forever. If we didn't have to punch almost every one in, we'd have been done about an hour earlier... but the time wasn't bad. The store started at 6 and I was home around 1130... so not bad... I got my first BIG pay check on Friday... It was nice to see... Makes me feel good...

Haven't seen much of Jen... She takes Jake to Erics parents everyday but only brings him up here when we call and ask her too... I understand that they live like a mile away, but we're only like 5 miles away... She never brings him here... Whatever... He's still cute, and they're doing good from what I understand...

We helped Beth move yesterday... It was tiring, but she's all moved into her house... Her house is so nice, it looks really cozy with all her furniture in there... They all seem to be really happy about it... Mike was home to help move, however Beth is pissed... Mike was on the road with Eddie, helping him drive, for like 2-3 weeks, and Eddie paid him less the a thousand bucks... he definitly should have been paid ALOT more, but of course Mike wouldn't say anything... NO THAT WASN"T A RUN ON SENTENCE... HAHAH...

Anyways, after we helped her move we came home, put on jammies and watched TV and a movie. We got a call from Beth around 730 saying that we had ALL of her pillows in the trunk of our car... I still can't believe that no one remembered to get them out... Lol... So today after we went to Fay and Jerrys we took her the pillows... lol...

I had a good birthday... We drug Beth out with us to Butterflys and played pool for a while, drank a little, and then went back to Beth's apt. and played cards... We got home around 130... it was really nice being able to get out of the house... with me working we actually had the money... it was fun...

Paul and I talked yesterday on the way to Beth's about having a baby... He agrees that I can stop taking BC in April some time - after my doctors appointment, I have to have a pap because my last one came back abnormal, but she said it was most likely stress or the lab made a mistake, they didn't see worried. Plus I was to talk to the doctor and find out what kind of supplements and stuff I should start taking... Etc... I'm really excited... April isn't that far off... We won't TRY to get pregnant for a couple of months, but if it happens then great. If we don't get pregnant by like July/August then we'll start with ovulation tests etc... I told Paul that this means he's going to have to start making love to me more often... Lol... I was just picking, but it's true... We only make love once every couple of weeks, when we start trying to get pregnant...we'll ya'll know how that works... Lol...

I'm still getting my puppy in April... WOO HOO!!!! Lol... I can't wait... I'm so excited...

There's so many things to look foward to in April... stopping BC, puppy, and our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!! How feaking cool is that...we've been married almost a year... it's weird... I still love him as much (if not more) as I did 5 years ago... It's totally awesome being married to you best friend, life long companion, and the one that completes you!!!

The other day Paul stopped at the office and brushed the snow off my car and warmed it up for me... the women in the car couldn't believe he would do that for me... It was on his way home from work so why wouldn't he... I dunno, I guess I'm just lucky to have such a caring man. He may not be romantic but he is caring and loving...

He also vaccumed and straightened the kitchen up for me today, so I don't have so much to do tomorrow... God, I love that man!!!

Tomorrow I have TONS of laundry to do... That's really been slacking since I've been working. And I have to clean the kitchen and the fish tank is getting a little algeafied... Lol... I know, that's not a word, but I just made it one... Ha!

It has been cold and snowing almost every day...I love it, as long as I don't have to drive in it... I drove in it last week, and it wasn't too bad, but I still don't like it. Today while we were at Beth's it started a freakin blizzard outside... In about 5 minutes our car was covered in snow, so we decided to leave before it got too bad.

Right now Paul is watching CNN. I turned it on for him so he wouldn't be bored while I was typing this 20 page entry... Lol... His laptop has crapped out on him, so he can't even play Neopets... poor guy. But I let him use mine of course... They're gonna fix it tomorrow, or just give him a new one since he's supposed to get a new one next month anyways... He'll find out tomorrow...

We got his W2's and the mortgage interest statement, so we're all set to do our taxes. We'll prolly do them after Feb first some time, not sure yet. We've decided to hire someone to do our sod and deck. And we also want to get a new couch set for the living room. Plus I want to set aside about 500 bucks from the refund for our baby, and 500 bucks from his bonus, and about 50 bucks a pay check from me.... I know a baby is going to cost more then that, but it's better then nothing...

Anyways, not much else is going on, that I can think of anyways... So I'm gonna go, cause we're gonna watch a couple of BROTHERS AND SISTERS... lovee that show... But GA is still my favvv!! I'll definitly be in bed early tonight!!!

~~~~~~<3I love my husband<3~~~~~~
