Sunday, August 10, 2008

Stuffy nosed baby... :(

I think I've figured out why my poor baby hasn't been sleeping - he keeps getting a stuffy nose at night. It's only at night though, nothing during the day.

The stuffy nose makes it so he has to breath through his mouth and he's having a hard time learning how to breath through his mouth. He also can't use his pacifier with a stuffy nose! He only uses his paci when he's sleeping but with his nose stopped up he can't suck and breath at the same time... crying Poor guy. Which means he doesn't sleep well because his learned self soother is gone... that's where Mommy holding him all night comes in. I love holding him, but I don't get any sleep at all. And I'm sooooo Sleepy

I changed the sheets on his mattress and even wiped the mattress down with vinegar/water (just a little vinegar and a lot of water). We have a humidifier (cool mist) in his room and an air purifier. And every time he wakes up I have to suction his nose... is there a better way to go about suctioning his nose? He doesnt like the sucky ball thing. shake

He does not have the stuffy nose during the day, nothing, nada, he breaths perfectly well through his nose all day. There's no other sickies involved here. Although he's only eaten 20 ounces today!! That's scares the crap out of me! He's still a happy, playful, laughy baby though. He doesn't act like he's hungry or sick. Baby Crawling

I thought he was coming down with a cold Deathly Ill but it's only at night. He did do a lot of coughing yesterday, but not much today... and again, seemed happy and playful. Baby Crawling

Tonight the stuffiness started around 9, it's not 11 and I've had to suction his nose twice already. His nose is not runny at all. It's not a wet stuffiness, and actually I'm not sure I'm getting anything when I suction...

I'm ready to call the doctor tomorrow but I'm afraid he'll tell me to start giving him cereal at night to help him sleep and even though I'll ignore that, I just don't feel like hearing it. I just worry that the doc will tell me all these things that I'm not ready/100% willing to do (cereal, cold meds, etc.). If he truly is sick then obviously I will do meds, but he just seems to normal during the day! hmm nervous

I just feel like Sad for my poor baby. I feel like I should know what to do and I just don't. I'm trying everything I can think of but feel like maybe I'm missing something.

Any advice? Something I'm missing? What else can I try before the doc?


Unknown said...

I know you posted this a while ago, but it popped up when I searched the topic. Did you figure it out? I have a 7 month boy with the exact same symptoms. I just can't figure it out.

I would appreciate reading your experience.



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