Jen came home early today and said "Guess what I found out today? I'm pregnant." Somehow I don't believe that she just found out today. She's three months along... it doesn't make sense that she just found out today... but oh well... She had her ultra sound today, it's too early to tell the sex of the baby tho. They said she's due on Jan 5 or something like that. She's really excited about it, and we're excited for her. She's totally paying for everything herself... with Eric's help of course. Good thing we're getting a big house.
Anyways, enough on that...
I've decided that I want to be a 3rd grade teacher. At the wedding my dad told Momma that he would pay for my college, so that's cool. I'm going to look into it and see if I can get into OU with a GED, and if I can then I'll get my GED and hopefully start in the January semester. I want to start out taking one class for a while and then increase it from there. I know it'll take a while, but I still want to work and have kids, so that's cool....
Not much else is going on.... Beth turned 40 on Monday...
I have to go tomorrow for my annual pap smear... UGH!!! I am totally not looking foward to it.We also have our first walk through tomorrow... YAY!!! I am totally looking foward to that!!!! It's so exciting... I met with the cable guy yesterday right after they layed the basement... it was really cool just to be there and see all the progress they've done... They have the roof on and the electrical in... it's sooooo coooooolllll!!!!
I got back in touch with Bethany the other day. I found her on MySpace... It's so cool to talk to her again after so long. She has a steady bf , Chad, and says that she's in love. She'll start her senior yr of college in August and is majoring in Mechanical Engineering... I knew she'd do something like that... It think it's in the her families blood or something... Lol.... Anyways, it was really good to talk to her.
Stephanie had her 16th bday party over the weekend... Of course we weren't invited, Melonies too afraid we'll bring up all the money she owes us in front of Scott... LOL!! Anyways, they got her an Audi TT. Can you believe that... Actually I'm surprised it's not a BMW or Mercedes...
Not much else going on, just working as usual...
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Jen's Pregnant...
Posted by Natural Momi at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Okay, so I don't exactly remember what I did on Friday... Hmmm... Lemme think... nope still don't remember... We probably sat at home and watched movies... Don't remember what movies tho... Lol...
Saturday was a fun day. We went to Beth's for Father's Day and Graduation. Jen had to work tho, so she couldn't come. We had alot of fun tho. Just sat around and talked. I brought the laptop and home books so everyone could see pictures and Fay could read the books. And Tim came. That was nice, we haven't seen him since Thanksgiving because of Shena.
After Fay, Jerry, Tim, and Cierra left Beth, Mike, Paul, and me went down to Bell Isle. It was so fun. We just sat there by the lake and talked for a while... laughed alot!! They are so much fun, and always make me laugh. Then we kinda cruised around Bell Isle for a while and then people watched. We saw one guy that has the Palace in the bed of his truck. It was totally awesome. Bet that cost him a ton.
Anyways, We asked Tim if he would/could do the cable and phone lines in our house. He said he would. We have to call him Friday so he can go see the house and see what all needs to be done. Paul also has to call Amherst and make sure that we can have Tim do it since he's not associated with the superintendent. Hopefully its not a problem, because if he does it it's only 100 bucks, if we have the other guy do it its around 350.
Paul also had to sign the mortgage papers today at Leon's. How exciting!!!
Amherst also got our commitment letter.
I got my new phone today. Tomorrow after work I'm going to go get it programmed so I can use it. I love it.. .its sooo light. Lol... I get excited over the littlest things...
Aiden was a freaking bear today. All he did was cry allllll day. It was crazy. I am so tired and worn out it's not even funny. I think he's cutting a tooth... Hopefully it's in by tomorrow because I really don't want to have to deal with that again...
I ordered for Jen's graduation photos. Hopefully they come soon.
Fay's birthday is tomorrow.
I have to go to the dr. next week for my yearly pap... Ugh... Not looking foward to that... Not looking foward to that at all. I hate those damn paps... they're so uncomfy. But I have to in order to get more pills... I'm almost out.
Not much else is going on... that I can think of anyways, I'm a little scatter brained today.
Oh yea, we made love on Sunday... It was great...
I love Paul!!!
Posted by Natural Momi at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 15, 2006
We went to the house on Tuesday and changed our tile. I thought the original we picked out would look to busy for such a large are - the foyer, laundry room, powder room, and grade door. So we picked a different one. While we were there they said that it'll be a couple more weeks before we have our first walk through. And that August 24 is the date they are "shooting for", not a definite date... That made me a lilttle upset, but that's okay, I'll live.
I've been working, of course. Today I went to Wal-Mart and Kroger and did our monthly shopping. We still have to order Jen's graduation photos, and we HAVE to get my dress cleaned and preserved this week. We're not looking foward to that, everything costs money, lots and lots of money... it sucks...
Not much else is going on. Just trying to relax and breath! lol...
I think I might go to the pool tonight while Paul goes for his walk. I would like to do some swimming, I haven't gone yet this year.
I got my new ATM card with my new name on it about a week ago. It looks so cool... Lol... I know I'm weird.
We're watching AMC right now. Greg is burried alive and someone is talking to him with a weird voice. Jeff is back in PV to tell Josh the truth. Jonathon is back to normal, but made Erin promise she won't tell Lily.
I love Paul!!!
Posted by Natural Momi at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Nancy's Gone!!!
Well this weekend wasn't so bad... considering Nancy was here... Lol
Nancy got here on Sunday. And things went pretty good. Last night when we went out to eat after Jens Graduation... Nancy thought it was soo hilarious that the waitress called Paul my dad (which it is funny and isn't the first time its happened). But after we were leaving she went up to waitress actually told her it was funny and that she agreed. Then Jen told us that Nancy thinks Genette's miscarraige was Paul's baby. First of all she had the miscarriage in like '81 so it couldn't have been Pauls.. second of all... why the hell does it matter... so what if they did have a kid together... so what if they did have a miscarraige!?!? Then Jen said Nancy asked if I was pregnant because when we were at the house I was asking about the elementary school... Of course I was asking about the school... We plan on having kids... Nancy told Jen that we shouldn't have kids and that Paul was to old... WTF?!?!? I don't see how us having kids is ANY of her fucking business... She's just fucking crazy... literally... and I'm not just saying that because she's Pauls ex... this crazy lady just lost her job (the 12th job in like 4 years... so she cant keep a job), got evicted from her apartment, and still sent Jen 400 bucks... how freakin crazy is that?!?! Then she was convicted to the mental ward in the hospital under suicide watch because she wouldn't leave her apartment when she got evicted and said she was going to kill herself when they called the cops on her crazy ass.... No wonder Paul grabbed Jen and ran for the hills 15 years ago!!! She's a fucking nut job... It just pisses me off that she thinks she knows everything and what she doesnt know she makes up... and then asks the dumbest questions..... Jen was pretty pissed off at her to for asking stuff like that and not minding her own damn business... Jen yelled at her... Go Jen!! So glad she is gone from my house!!!
Anyways, on a lighter note... Jen graduated last night. It was a good ceremony. The kids with the speeches did good... they were funny...
I told my dad we bought a house. He said that he's going to come up in Sept. and help us build a deck... we'll see if he shows or not... Lol...
We signed the final PA on Monday. All the carpet and counters and flooring is finalized... I can't wait!! It's so exciting...
Paul keeps saying that we need to get a home inspection (another 500 bucks we dont have) However Leon told him that it wasn't really necessary because the house is brand new. I'm trying to talk him out of it. First of all the house will be brand-spankin new... secondly the house is under warranty. So if something does go wrong they'll fix it... Thirdly, Leon said it wasn't necessary.
Anyways, not much else is going on, just been working and trying to avoid Nancy!!! So glad that's over...
I'm trying to get a second job. Part time of course and btwn the hours I work with Aiden. The lady (Kimberly i believe is her name) said she would call me back next week and tell me what days she needs me. If it doesn't interfere with Jessie and Todd then I'm jumping... If it does... then total bummer...
Anyways, I'm gonna go. We're watching AMC and right now it looks like theres about 10 people that are guilty of burrying Dr. Madden alive!!! It's getting good!!!
Posted by Natural Momi at 6:19 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Our house...
Here is a picture of our house as of May 28, 2006. I can't wait until its done. On Saturday we go to pick out the color of our carpet, counters, etc... I'm looking foward to that.
Posted by Natural Momi at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Jen's Prom...
Jen's going to prom tonight. I hope she has fun and doesn't get too drunk. Here's some pics of her in her dress... she looks gorgeous.
I've been working all week. I also need to make a couple phone calls to see if I can get some extra babysitting.
Nancy is getting out of the hospital tomorrow, so she should be able to come to Jen's graduation. She'll be staying with us because she can't afford to stay in a hotel. I'm not looking foward to that, but it shouldn't be too bad because Jen's going to be with her every second that Nancy is home.
Not much else is going on. I'm just watching "Will and Grace" and doing my nails.
Posted by Natural Momi at 7:27 PM 0 comments