Monday, July 07, 2008

Happy 4th (a few days late)

I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend, we certainly did.

On Friday we went to a BBQ at Jenny's house. Jenny was my doula when I had Cooper. It was so much fun. We got there around 4 and stayed until after 10. There was a lot of people there that we didn't know, but it was nice talking with and meeting them.

On Saturday we just putzed around the house for a bit and then decided to go to dinner and walk around Partridge Creek (very nice outdoor mall). We ended up eating at Chili's *yummy*. I got a skirt for Paul's reunion from Partridge Creek.

And on Sunday we went to the in laws for a BBQ and hung out in the pool for a bit... not too long though since I haven't been in the sun yet this summer (and the water was coooooold).

So I've decided to become a doula. I am going to get certified through DONA. I was going to wait a few years but I think I've decided to go ahead and do it. I would like to eventually become a homebirth midwife, but that will take time.

I am also becoming a chapter leader for BirthNetwork. Woo hoo!!! I am excited about my new life plans.

Paul has his high school reunion on Aug 1-3... ugh. I'm really not looking foward to it. I'm so upset about it that I can't even write about it now... maybe some other time.

Time to pump... buh bye