Monday, July 30, 2007


Spotting while pregnant is terrifying!!! Absolutely, heart stopping, terrifying.

On Friday around noon I went to the bathroom and saw that I was spotting dark brown blood. So I called the doctor and they told me to go straight to the emergency room... We got to the emergency room around 145 and they pretty much took me back right away. I think I only waited for about 3 minutes lol...

So anyways, the doctor asks a lot of questions and they keep calling it a threatened abortion... I really didn't like that term... To me abortion is something you do voluntarily.... I kept thinking of it as a threatend miscarraige.

They ended up giving me an I.V. of course. And then they said they were going to do something so scary to me... that I cried... They put in a Foley Cathater... How scary that was.. It's a tube about the size of my PINKY!!! with a balloon on the end of it so they can inflate my bladder. The purpose of this is so they can do an ultrasound... Apparently when you're this ealy in pregnancy they have to use your full bladder as a reference point to find the baby... I have never felt so much pain as I did when they pulled it out... Now mind you when they put it in it was horrible... but for some reason taking it out was worse.... It was so terrible... I couldn't move for literally 15 minutes and I couldn't stop screaming and moaning...

They never did really tell me what was wrong. Just that I had a 50/50 chance of keeping the baby. And that I am on a week of bedrest... or until my doctor says. They also told me that as of Friday (July 27) I am 6 weeks 3 days pregnant... So I am now 6 weeks 6 days pregnant... that's just a few days shorter then we originally said...

Anyways, so I'm on bed rest... which means I can't do anything... which means I am totally bored out of my mind. But I did discover that you can't watch "Eight Below" when pregnant... unless you want to pretty much cry thro the whole thing... But I'm watching it anyways... and crying like a baby!!! I hope they find the poochies... lol... The movie is almost over so I'm sure they will find them... But 2 have died alreayd... That is very sad... And the main doggy "Mya" is almost dead... She was attacked my a seal...

I have my doctors appointment tomorrow at 9:15 a.m. I am going to have to go by myself cause Paul can't get off work... Which totally sucks and is totally scary... But I'm a big girl... As long as they don't want to do another cathater... lol...

Work has been supportive... But I don't want to go back... It's such a physically demanding job... So I'm gonna talk to the doctor about it...

Anyways, I'm gonna get off of here... Can't think of much else to say... Just a little scared and hoping everything is okay... GUess we'll find out tomorrow...

Aww they found the first dead doggy... Old Jack... He was the first to die cause he wouldn't chew thro his chain... too old i guess...