You've got to check out this blog.
It is absolutely amazing. From what I've picked up (from reading it lol). It's a husband doing the blogging. His wife has Cystic Fibrosis and is on the national donar list for new lungs. And they had a baby in January (I think). Gwyneth was born at 24 weeksgestations (that is 15+ weeks early)!!! She truly is amazing and thrives more and more everyday... it is truly an amazing blog... but be prepared to cry if you read a lot of it. I just love looking at the pictures of little Gwyneth, it truly is a miracle!
I actually got this from Kate's blog (thank you hun). I am truly enjoying reading his story!!!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Confessions of a CF Husband
Posted by Natural Momi at 6:52 PM 1 comments
Let's Talk About S-E-X....
Yesterday I had a midwife appointment and everything is going great. The midwife said I am completely full term now, baby is almost 7 lbs, heart rate is in the 130's, baby still head down, and my blood pressure is 117/70 (that's actually the highest it's been my whole pregnancy!!! lol).
Needless to say, everything is going great. And as far as I'm concerned, this kid can come out ANY day now!!! lol I am so ready! lol
So last night Paul and I were putting our jammies on and I said "We're having sex this weekend."
He froze mid-sock and had this horrified look on his face. Lol. It was so funny.
I asked him what was wrong.
And of course he just said "Well, okay. If you want we can try."
I said "You look scared."
"I am!" he said.
Apparently he's afraid he's going to hurt me. Especially since a couple of weeks ago he was at the midwife with me when she checked me (I was dilated) but it hurt/was so umcomfortable I almost flew off the table when she was checking me. And then she said "I can definitely feel the head".
So he's afraid he's going to hurt my cervix, or cause me pain. Of course, if I'm in any pain during the course of sex, or am even uncomfy then we'll stop.
The last time we had sex it was very uncomfortable. Not to brag, but my hubby isn't exactly "small" in that department (hehe). I think the penetration was too deep and it did hurt my cervix and was umcomfy.
And he's also afraid he's going to hit the baby in the head! lol... I understand these are normal fears for men during pregnancy, but it was kinda funny to see my husband freak out about sex like that. lol.
We haven't had sex since the beginning of January... I think we had sex in January anyways! I don't really remember... Horrible ain't it?! I know we had sex in the beginning of December (See Dec 5th post), but not so sure about January. I'm pretty sure we did in Jan.... Hmmmm....
So in the end he agreed to try. Lol.... I just need to have an orgasm. I've read that female orgasm can cause the cervix to dilate up to 2 cms!!! And of course Paul's gotta do his deed too, sperm softens the cervix and there are other benefits too. So it shouldn't be too bad!! lol...
Can't believe I just did a whole post on us having sex this weekend... Oh well... I'm not exactly shy. lol....
So we'll see how it goes this weekend... Maybe this'll bring that kid out!!!! lol Wish me luck!
Posted by Natural Momi at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Nursery Pictures....
It has been brought to my attention that I haven't posted any nursery picutres here (There are tons on my myspace though). All that needs to be done now is the moulding between the gold and green paint! But who knows when Paul will get around to this!!! But it still looks great!!! So I've decided to post some pictures... Here ya go!!! (the first five pictures are self explanatory. The last picture is of a dresser drawer, just to show how anal I am being organized... Wonder how long that will last after the baby is born?!?! lol)
Posted by Natural Momi at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I think the baby dropped.... Hmmmm
So it's been a week since my last post... Sorry bout that!!! Let's see what all has happened....We had Jacob for the weekend. I can't believe he is 14 months old now. Seems like just yesterday we were at the hospital waiting for him to be born... Now we're waiting for our little one to be born. He is so well behaved and is such a cutie!!! Looks just like Jen did when she was his age. It's so cute. Of course Jen decided to go out clubbing Saturday night instead of spending time with her son... I mean after all it was her birthday *dripping with sarcasm*. At least she saw him Friday night, for about an hour Saturday, and a couple hours on Sunday... Better then nothing I guess.
As I mentioned, it was Jen's birthday on Saturday. She is now 20 years old.... No longer a teenager. And as Paul said "So stop acting like it!" lol... Of course he said it jokingly to her, but there's a lot of truth in those 5 words!
I didn't go with Paul and Jen to get Jacob on Friday. I didn't feel like sitting in the car for 3 hours. Plus it gave them 3 hours of alone time together... Hopefully they enjoyed it. I doubt Paul talked to her about anything "important", but at least they were together and alone.
I was so sick all day yesterday... It all started Sunday night. I had the worse acid reflux (TMI alert, it was like I had throw up stuck in my throat). It kept making me cough, but when I coughed I felt like I was gonna puke... It was horrible. So I was up most of the night dealing with that. And then I had to poop a lot... That's been happening A LOT at night lately... It seems like every night I'm up pooping at like 1-2 a.m. It's weird.... And I don't poop just a little... I fill up the whole stinkin toilet (no pun intended hehe). It's crazy weird... Wonder if that means anything? I've heard that your body tries to rid itself of all the feces before you give birth so you won't poop on the delivery table... But every night for 3 weeks?!?!?
So anyways, I was up Sunday night sick to my tummy. So I didn't get much sleep. I woke up at 9:15 to go to the chiro and was back home by 11:15 and in bed. I was so exhausted. I stayed in bed until 2:40 when I realized I hadn't eaten anything but a protein bar at 10:00. I was still nauseous though... So I made myself get up at 2:45 to eat some oatmeal. Of course because I hadn't eaten in so long it made my tummy hurt like crazy... Like doubled over in stomach cramps crazy.
So after I ate, it was back to bed for me!!! lol... I stayed in bed until after 5 when Paul got home with chicken noodle soup and ginger ale... how sweet of him (of course I had to ask him to get these items for me, but it was still sweet none the less) lol.
At 9 I was back in bed... I got up at 4:30 this morning with Paul and ate some breakfast. Went back to bed at 6 and didn't get up until almost 11 today. Now keep in mind I wasn't sleeping the whole time I was in bed!!! I spent a lot of time just dozing, or petting Pebbles. Geez, if I had been sleeping the whole time I was in bed that would be what... 28 hours in a 36 hours time span... Granted most of that time was spent sleeping... I certainly wasn't watching TV; we don't have a TV in our bedroom.
It was nice sleeping as much as I wanted, when I wanted though. And I figure, I'm never going to get a chance to do that again! lol
I woke up today feeling energized and ready to go!!! It was great. I wanted to get out of the house and do a couple errands, but it was snowing today, so I stayed in. Tomorrow I have a chiro appointment and then my dental cleaning at 11:40. I would like to return the nursing bras I got from JC Penney in between those two appointments, if I have time but I don't know if I will.... So we'll see. If not I'll just return them on Thursday or Friday.
As my post title states- I think the baby has dropped!!! I'm not sure, but I was looking at my belly in the mirror and it looks like the baby dropped. My belly is definitely lower then it was the other day! And the movements seems to be a little lower as well... And man has he been active today!!! He's probably making up for all that sleeping the past couple days! lol
So I have another midwife appointment on Thursday... Yipeee I am so going to ask her when this kids coming out! I am sooo ready for this kid to be outta me now! lol Don't get me wrong - I've really enjoyed being pregnant, and have had a really easy pregnancy... but these last couple of weeks have been rough. I've gotten noticeably uncomfortable, I'm exhausted all the time... And it feels like I've been pregnant F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!!
But on the other hand I know I am really going to miss being pregnant. I love rubbing my belly, and feeling the baby move. I love when the baby sticks it's butt out at me and rolls around... it's an amazing feeling.
Oh yea, I almost forgot. I pointed out to Paul that he rarely touches my belly... and of course he started feeling bad and I said "Are you afraid of the belly?" and he said "yes"... Apparently he thinks it's very weird, and finds it scary!!! lol... So we talked and I think he's feeling a little bit better about it. Don't get me wrong, he touches the belly, just not very often... And he never wants to feel the baby move. Come to find out, to him it's not real yet!! Can you believe that??! Because he can't see it and can't touch the baby it's not real to him yet. I understand where he's coming from, especially given that I know how damn logical he is! I just thought it was so cute that he would be "scared" of the belly.
And apparently he is very nervous about the whole labor and delivery part! No surprise there. That's the main reason we hired Jenny (our doula). And I know he's nervous about all the other changes that are coming after the baby is born. Paul doesn't like for his routine to get messed up, or schedule changed... and of course we all know that's going to happen!!! He's working month end, but made sure to tell everyone that it's possible I could go into labor, so Vince and Joe are apparently on call as well! lol... How sweet of them!!!!
I jokingly asked Paul when the baby was coming out and he said "In 8 days"... I got to thinking and 8 days is March 6th!!! That's the day I've been thinking the baby is going to be born on since like October, BUT I NEVER TOLD PAUL!!!!!!! Can you believe that?!?! So maybe there is something about March 6th... Guess we'll see in 8 days!!!
Not much else is going on here. I couldn't sleep (surprise, surprise lol) so I thought I would get up, watch a couple DVR'ed Reba's, surf the net, post a blog, and then maybe try to sleep again... I am tired and want to sleep... Hopefully I can sleep tonight!!!! Wish me luck!!!
Posted by Natural Momi at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
3.5 weeks left!!! Woo hoo!!!
The past couple days have been busy!!!
Yesterday I had my chiro appointment. I love going there. It's just such a positive place, and I always feel great when I leave there. I go tomorrow too!!!
After the chiros I went to TJ Maxx to see if I could find something to use for a diaper bag. I got this amazing bag, and am going to use that. At first I thought it was too big, but when I got home and packed it for the hospital I found that it's not too big at all!! But it looks HUGE! I may get a small one as well, but I love the one I found at TJ Maxx. And it was only 25 bucks!!!! Even better. lol
At noon I had to go to the stinkin ortho because a bracket came loose last week. So they glued that back on. After that I went to Wal-Mart and did some major shopping. I wanted to make sure we have everything we need in case I go into early labor! Plus I still had a couple baby things to get. I wanted to get 8 gallon trash bags for the diaper pails, huggies diapers (I already have Pampers, but of course the baby could be allergic them, so I wanted to make sure we had a variety).
Today I had my midwife appointment. She helped put my hospital fears at ease and assured me that I could have the natural birth I want in the hospital and that the nurses wouldn't be a problem. She says the nurses are used to working with the midwife patients and natural birthing mommies, that it's not a big deal. So I feel much better about my labor and delivery now... it was just a momentary freak out. Don't get me wrong, if we could afford it I would totally be having a home birth, but it just isn't feasible. Of course I have to freak out about something! But talking to the midwife today really helped put my mind at ease.
Oh and I passed my Group B Strep test!!! It was negative!! Woo hoo!! So I can totally have my IV free birth!!! Yippee!!! My blood pressure was 110/68!
Jen came over tonight to give me a hair cut. She did an amazing job!!! I love it! I wanted to make sure I got my hair cut before the baby was born. My hair was getting so long and I don't want to have to deal with it after the baby is born. It's so much easier to get out of the shower and go without having to use product, blow dry, etc! lol... After the baby it'll get so hard to do all that, and now I don't have to if I don't want too!! Of course, if I want to dress it up a bit I can. So that's good.
Jen seems to be doing good at Megans. She took a few more of her things with her when she left. So she's starting to get everything out of her room so I can get in there and get it all cleaned up for my mom. She didn't seem to be mad at us or anything, so that's good. I was afraid it would be akward, but it really wasn't.
Not much else is going on. Paul and I are doing good. Baby is doing well too! Coopy likes to move around at night a lot and his heartrate was 132 today... Just 3.5 weeks until my due date!!! Yikes, Yay! don't know which one to be...
Posted by Natural Momi at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
36 weeks 1 Day - Want Home Birth
So I spent the whole weekend doing baby laundry and putting the nursery together. Everything is ready in the nursery for the babies arrival. It looks great!!! I had so much fun doing it too.
Yesterday we had our last meeting the Jenny (our doula). She gave me a pedicure! It was wonderful and I have pretty toes again... Not that I can see them, but they are still pretty none the less! lol
I keep thinking about how badly I want to a home birth and talking to Jenny yesterday makes me want it even more. We had our hospital tour today and that really made me want a home birth even more. They said the quickest I could be out of the hospital is 24 hours... UMMM I don't think so! lol... I sure as hell don't want to stay there that long. So I found a couple home midwifes online today and will call tomorrow to get pricing. I really really want to have a home waterbirth. Paul is really freaked out by the idea though, but he'll get over it! lol
Of course if we can't afford the home birth then I will stick with my midwife attended hospital birth. I am just afraid that it's going to be a constant struggle dealing with the nurses and stuff, and I really don't want to deal with that. I know hospitals have certain protocals and such, and at home I won't have to deal with all the red tape crap... lol... Plus I know I will feel so much more comfortable at home.
I'm having a really hard time putting down how I'm feeling about this whole homebirth/hospital birth thing... I don't know why either. I'm usually pretty good at saying how I feel, but for some reason I can't on this. I just know that I don't want to deal with any red tape, I don't want to deal with crappy, bitchy nurses, and I want to be at home...
I gotta pee and I don't know what else to say... I guess maybe I'm a little confused myself.. maybe it's just normal "birth is near" apprehension and fears....
Posted by Natural Momi at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
Must Remember to Sleep... Lol
Geez, it feels like I've been going alllll day! I am so tired. I really should just sit down and not get back up... or just go to bed! lol
After I posted my last blog I decided to start doing baby laundry and putting everything away. There's SOOOO much stuff. It's crazy.
Poor Pebbles is having a rough day. She is totally acting out. Peeing on the carpet twice today, pooped all in the study, and pooped in the living room. She is just so scared and hates change, and there was a LOT of change today. We got new furniture, brought in a ton of bags and then put everything away. And we've been in the "evil room" (nursery) most of the day doing stuff she doesn't understand.
I mean, who knows what happened to her. Maybe she saw her last owners go through all of the baby preparations and then they took her to the pound... You just never know. So we've been really patient with her. Of course she gets scolded when she potties inside, but we're still making sure we talk to her, pet her, spend time with her. Daddy sat on the couch with her talking to her for about 30 minutes. And she came into the nursery while I was in there and I stopped what I was doing and sat in the glider holding and petting her for about 15 minutes. Everytime she comes into the nursery to see me I make sure I stop whatever I'm doing and pay attention to her... Even if it's just for a minute.
We played with the baby monitor we got as well. It was so funny. Pebbles was laying on the bed and Paul sat the monitor next to her. Of course she started sniffing it. Then he walked in the nursery and started talking. It freaked her out and she jumped off our bed and into her bed. I felt so bad! But we want her to get used to it. So then he sat it next to her on the floor and I went in the nursery and started talking all sweet and stuff to her. He said she just looked at it and laid her head back down. So hopefully she's used to it.
The monitor is GREAT! Paul was in our bed room and I was in the nursery about 10-12 feet away from the monitor and he said he could hear me BREATHING!!!
Remember how I was originally planning on getting this crib set and decorating the nursery to this theme... Well Paul wanted to get the picture ( for the nursery. So we got it. I figured it would match the Pooh stuff close enough... I mean Pooh Bear always had his honey pots around and stuff... And it adds a touch of something other then Pooh. The colors of the picture match the paint perfectly!
The furniture looks AMAZING in the nursery! We love it. I have the changing pad and cover on it, a cute little Wendy Bellissimo basket for the desitin and wipes next to it. OMG the hutch has two glass windows up top and they have lights in them!!! It's so cool. It's like touch lights, you touch the top left hing on the door of the glass windows and they come on! Three different setting. It's the coolest thing. We didn't know it did that until we got it home and was reading the paper on it!
I've done a few loads of baby laundry already. One load of whites, one load of just burp cloths (the cloth diapers). Right now all the baby clothes are in the dryer, and all the sheets are in the washer. We got 5-7 crib sheets, 3 bassinet sheets, 2 pack n play sheets, 2 sheet savers, 2 waterproof crib matress covers (they are soooo soft!), etc. I have 36 burp cloths!!! But I figure 12 upstairs, 12 down stairs, 6 in my diaper bag, and 6 in Pauls diaper bag. Theres just sooo much stuff!! I still have two loads of blankets to wash, and one load of towels, rags, robes, the crib bedding, etc. LOL! It's crazy!
It's weird though, as exhausted and sore as I am, I can't seem to stop! I just want to keep going. I think maybe I'm nesting... which is scary because they say that you usually give birth within two weeks of nesting... Maybe I'm not nesting, maybe I'm just so excited about everything I can't stop myself! lol I dunno...
I feel like putting the pack n play together and setting it up... But I know I'll need Paul's help and he's so tired, I don't want to bother him. So I guess that will wait until tomorrow. Lol.
I will try to remember to take pictures tomorrow or Sunday after I have everything put together and organized. I want to make sure the pictures are perfect LOL! Tomorrow I'll wash all the crib bedding and get that all put on the crib. I can't wait to see how it looks!!!
Okay I gotta go! I am just so tired I can't even hold my head up... But the dryer just stopped so I wanna get the clothes put away, and the sheets in the dryer! lol...
Gotta remember to sleep tonight! lol
Posted by Natural Momi at 10:03 PM 0 comments
I'm surrounded by baby stuff!
So today was the big day - the big baby shopping day! We got soooo much stuff!! And spent sooo much money!!! Around $900. But it was totally worth it!
Paul didn't receive his bonus, so we had to put everything on my MasterCard. But since the card is interest free we'll just pay it off when he gets his bonus on the 29th.
All that little stuff adds up quickly. But we had so many coupons, so that really helped. And we did buy a couple big things... Pack N Play, crib bedding, crib mattress, monitor, and changing pad. Lots of blankets, burp cloths, towels, wash rags, first aid stuff, cotton balls, desitin, butt paste, crib sheets, bassinet sheets, bath tub, baby wash, diaper pails (one for upstairs, one for down), onesies, changing pad covers, thermometer, tons and tons of stuff... I could go on and on! lol We walked out of there with THREE buggies full of stuff!!! Crazy, I know! But totally worth it! Lol
It was so much fun though. I really enjoyed walking around, picking out all the things that I wanted and everything. But damn, I am totally exhausted, and my back is killing me. I totally undid all the work my chiropractor did this morning by standing and walking all day.
We also picked up the last two pieces of furniture! It looks so great in the nursery! I love it! And so does Paul.
Paul also picked out his diaper bag. He really got into it! It was so funny. At first he was just like "I'll take this one" but then he started looking at all the different selections and literally spent 15 minutes there checking them all out and making his final decision. It was so cute! He even picked out a cute little outfit for the baby that he liked. It was just so cute to see him interested in some of the baby stuff.
So we came home and of course I started putting everything away... OMG it took forever to take all the stuff out of the packages, and cut all the tags off. And there were two trash bags from all that crap. They should really cut down on the packaging and there wouldn't be as much trash.
I just sat down in the glider and started going through everything and sorting the laundry into just whites and tans, yellows, and greens. So I have one load of whites in the dryer now, one in the washer, and there still another load of whites in the laundry room that I want to do tonight... SO MUCH!!! lol... And there's about two loads of colors upstairs that I'll get to tomorrow or next week... Knowing me probably tomorrow... I hate leaving all this stuff lying around. We finally have everything we need and I want to get it all put away and everything.
I was sitting in the nursery (in the glider) looking around the room at the furniture and everything and it was like "OMG this is really happening!!!" lol... I was literally surrounded by baby stuff. It was great! I loved every second of today. I hope this feeling lasts forever. It just makes me realize how close we really are to meeting out little one. It's such an amazing feeling and I can't wait!!!
We were going to go to dinner and a movie tonight for V Day, but since we spent so much time shopping and then me putting everything away, we decided to wait until tomorrow. I am just too exhausted to even think about getting dressed up and going out tonight! lol. So we went to Panera Bread and got some sandwiches for dinner. It was good.
Tomorrow we meet with Jenny (doula) for the last time until the baby’s birth. Another exciting part that makes me realize how close it’s coming!
And on Sunday we have our hospital tour. I’m looking forward to seeing everything there and talking to some of the nurses and staff. Should be interesting.
I’ve been awake since frikkin 6 a.m. this morning because I was just so excited about the shopping today! And I was wondering if Paul would get his bonus (he didn’t, so it must be coming on the 29th). So I got up at 7 for an hour then went back to bed for an hour, but didn’t sleep. At 830 we finally decided to get up and relax before our big day. I am soooooo tired! Lol I know I’ll sleep tonight. I better anyways. But my back is killing me! UGH!!!
Well, not much else to say. Just so exhausted and excited about everything!!!
It was great having Paul with me today. I love that man so much! He’s just amazing and so sweet helping me with all the baby shopping today.
Posted by Natural Momi at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Fall down, Go boom...
I don't really feel like doing a post, but kinda feel obligated to do it for some reason... Yesterday was a terrible day, a day that I would like to forget, but in the end everything is okay.
The day started off normal. I got up around 830 and was getting ready for my midwife appointment when I got a text from T Mobile saying that our payment didn't go through. I thought that a little odd because our bill is only $22 a month, and it's automatically taken out of our account... But I figured "well I'll check on it when I'm ready".
So I finished getting ready to leave and got another text from T Mobile saying that our payment of $133 was accepted... $133?!?!?! WHAT? So obviously at this point I thought they just had someone elses account mixed up and was planning on spending a crappy amount of time speaking to someone from India about our bill. But I got online to check the T Mobile account first. My account was fine ($10.87). So I switched over to Jens account... Her bill is $232!!! Fucking unacceptable. So I started freaking out. Apparently she had gone over 2000 (TWO THOUSAND) text messages... So I called Paul, and I was all freaking out and everything. But calmed down and went to my midwife appointment (everything is fine, not dilated or anything yet).
When I got home I figured I should check this months account and see what she was up to already... And she's already over 503 text messages, making her bill $53. Again, not acceptable. So I called Paul again, freaking out. Screaming and yelling that this was the last straw, she better pay us back NOW and she needs to move out.
So Paul calls her at school and is telling her whats going on. That she needs to give us her phone, and be home by 4 so we can talk. She says that can't come home, and she refuses to miss anymore school, so Paul tells her she needs to move out.
Paul comes home from work, and we're fighting and stuff. I'm being all hormonal and shit. Paul's walking upstairs and I got mad that he was walking away from me. So I ran upstairs after him yelling about Jen being ungrateful, disrespectful, etc. I run into Jens room (going to pack her stuff) and I trip and fall...
Down I go. I was going to land flat on my belly, but of course I twisted to the side and landed on my left side so I wouldn't land of the belly. Paul starts freaking out, I'm crying hysterically thinking I just killed the baby. Pauls hyperventilating... It was terrible... So we head to the hospital.
Thank god everything turned out fine. Baby is doing good. Hearbeat is great, movements is great, etc. I was hooked up to EFM for 5 hours. And then they said we could leave. But the baby is doing fine... Thank god!!!
So we leave the hospital and its snowing like crazy. The roads are horrible. We stopped at Applebees to have dinner and then came home. When we got home Jen had packed up everything, and moved out. There's still some stuff left in the room, but she says she's coming to get that stuff tonight.
She was really mean to Paul on the phone when he called her last night to tell her we wanted the phone, the money, and to see how she was doing. She was saying that since she's such an inconvenience to us she'll just get out of our lives. We're starting our own family and she's not wanted anymore, etc... She's just trying to hurt him at this point. She said she would come by and drop the phone off, get the rest of her stuff, and then just call whenever she wanted too. She was very hateful towards him and doesn't understand the severity of her actions and words... How childish of her to try to hurt him like that.
She thinks this phone bill isn't a big deal, yada yada yada... Its ridiculous. I will be glad when she is moved out, things were good the last time she wasn't living here. But she really needs to grow up and stop being so immature.
I realize my actions and words yesterday were immature to Paul, and I have apologized for that, and mean it. I was being very hormonal and it was just the last straw with her.
Jen doesn't think she's being immature or childish, and thinks that we are being unreasonable and stuff... It's crazy...
I just don't know what to do. I feel horrible for Paul because he feels like he's lost his daughter. I told him that tonight when she comes over he needs to sit down and talk to her about how he's feeling... About his real feelings for her, that he loves her, wants what is best for her, that he feels she's ungrateful for all he's done... The good and the bad... She needs to hear it all at this point.
I just don't know what to do.....
Posted by Natural Momi at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Officially Uncomfortable....
Well I am officially uncomfortable! lol... I was wondering when that would happen. I've gone this whole pregnancy without any issues, discomfort, etc. and BAM last night I was woken out of a dead sleep doubled over in pain.
At first it just felt like I REALLLLY had to pee... (TMI alert) You know the kind where you have to go so bad it hurts. So I waddle to the bathroom and sit on the toilet for literally 20 minutes with only a couple dribbles of pee... I did end up pooping though and thought "well maybe that was the issue" but nope... While I was pooping it hurt like hell. And it was really soft so it shouldn't have hurt... But my whole lower abdomen, back and even vajayjay was hurting like crazy while sitting there.
So I waddle back to bed and get on my hands and knees in bed. I was hoping maybe that would help with some of the pressure I was feeling on my bladder and colon and vajayjay, but in retrospect I think it made it worse. So I sit like that for about an hour just moaning and groaning.
Paul was so sweet though. He woke up, got me some water, took the dog out, rubbed my back for me. Then he suggested putting the head phones (mozart, beethoven, pachebel) on my belly for the baby - we do this quite often and the baby seems to find it relaxing. So I flop over on my left side and he gets the headphones all set up. I don't know if it was the position change, or the baby moved a little because of the music, but I was able to fall asleep.
I was noticing that the pain (very sharp, stabbing pain right around my pubic bone) never really went away, but got worse about every 5 minutes for a minute or so... Was this contractions? I thought contractions started at the top and worked down, I never felt any discomfort or pain at the top, but right along my pubic bone.
I wasn't worried about the baby because through most of this I felt it moving around and stuff... I think if the baby would have been totally still I would have been more worried and gone to the ER or something. But I didn't... Paul kept asking if I wanted to go to the hospital and of course I didnt. Lol... i don't want to be labled one of those crazy pregnant ladies that goes in there and they don't find anything wrong by the nurses... Ya'll know what I'm talking about! lol... So I didn't go to the hospital.
I'm wondering if the pain and pressure (which is new) was the baby dropping/engaging? The stabbing, sharp pain has gone away. And sometimes I'm feeling a dull pain there, but there is a constant pressure now... It constantly feels like I have to pee or poop now. And I never really had that before... Of course I go to pee and one little drip comes out lol... My vajayjay hurts a lot, not really internally, but just hurts. And my butt hole hurts a lot too... Weird I know!
I think I'm going to call the midwife office tomorrow and talk to them about it. Maybe see if I can go in and see them just to make sure everything is okay. I really don't want to go to the hospital, they say everythings fine, can't tell me what's wrong, and then we have an extra hospital bill... When I can just go to the midwife. But like I said, baby is still moving around, so I'm not really worried about that... Just wondering if baby dropped/engaged and that's what I felt last night and am now feeling the pressure of... Hmmmm....
Posted by Natural Momi at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 07, 2008
"It's the wrong color"
We have the crib and dresser in the nursery. And last week we ordered the rest of the furniture (the hutch and combo/changer unit). The hutch sits on top of the combo unit - it's like a short dresser with drawers in it, and the hutch has shelves and stuff.
So we went today to pick up the hutch and combo and she opens up the combo and it's the wrong frikin color... For furniture that only comes in one color this seemed very odd to us. She tried telling us that it was the flourescent lighting... Lighting my ass!! I refused to take it.... So she was like "well okay". So then she open the hutch up and it's a totally different color from the combo!!! LOL!!! Now mind you, the crib and dresser we have match perfectly in color!!! But the combo unit was almost and orangy color. The hutch was a little closer to our furniture color, but still not a perfect match. Well then she changed her "It's-the-lighting-" song and started singing "It's-the-dye-batch-song"!! I thought it was so funny that she was SOOOO sure it was the lighting and we kept telling her NO. And of course it wasn't. I really wanted to make her feel stupid so I made sure that I pointed out that the hutch and combo didn't even match in color... Not to mention that either color doesn't match the crib and dresser we already have!! lol...
So of course all they could do was reorder the furniture. I asked what kind of discount we were getting and of course she himmed and hawed around saying "well we can't guarantee a discount". I was like "whatever". I told Paul as we were walking out that we were either getting an extra 10% taken off the price of it, or free delivery. LOL! I said there's no way I'm paying full price for this... Paul had to take the afternoon off work so we could pick it up, we had to borrow Paul's dads truck (drive out of our way to get it), and Babies R Us is NOT close to our house... We're getting a discount for our trouble. I don't care I have to raise hell to!!! lol
So the new furniture should be in by next weekend... They're saying possibly even Tuesday. So we'll see... This time we're taking a drawer from the dresser to make sure the color matches the hutch and combo unit BEFORE we arrange to pick it up (or free delivery!). They better hope they get it right this time. They do NOT want to fuck with and 8 month pregnant chick!!! Especially not this 8 month pregnant chick!!!
Cooper is doing good. Activity has slowed down a little, but that's normal cause he's running out of room in there. Lol... I saw your predictions on the baby pool. I am ready to have him, but I think I am really going to miss being pregnant... Miss all the movement and stuff like that. But it'll be nice to have it over with. It seems like I've been pregnant FOREVER! lol... Only 5 weeks left until my due date!! yay!!!
Jen came home today sick with a bad cold or something. I told Paul I didn't want her staying here while she was sick, because I don't want to catch anything. I really don't want to spend the last few weeks of my pregnancy sick. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but geez. Of course we didn't make her leave, she's been in her room sleeping all day. But every time she comes downstairs to get a drink of water or something I make disinfect the kitchen. Lol... I don't want to take any chances. Paul thinks I'm over reacting, and that may be so. But I really don't want to spend the last few weeks of my pregnancy sick. I told him that if I got sick I was going to make his life a living hell and he would have to do all the baby stuff that I was planning on doing... Of course he asked "like what"... So I told him - baby shopping, baby laundry, organizing the nursery, putting the crib set together, etc... Of course I wouldn't actually let him do any of this (don't trust it to get done MY way lol). But it scared the shit outta him!! lol... So hopefully I don't get sick!!!
Not much else here... Just having a bad day!
Melonie and fam are coming for dinner on Saturday and there's a TON of house cleaning I want to get done tomorrow. Of course some of it Paul will have to do. But he can manage. I'll leave his "Honey-do-list" where he can see it in the morning so he knows what he's in for when he gets home tomorrow after work! lol...
I'm outta here - nothing more to say!!!
Except - I LOVE MY HUBBY!!!! He's amazing for putting up with all my hormonal crap!!! LOVE HIM TO DEATH!!!
Posted by Natural Momi at 11:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
So I slept last night... Only because I cheated and took a Tylenol PM. It worked like a charm. I slept from like 2 a.m. until 11 a.m.!!! 9 hours!!! woo hoo!!!
I have a slight head ache now though, and am wondering if it's from the Tylenol PM last night... Altho it's just started in the past hour or so.
I've been on the phone with Nicole for a couple hours today. Just girl talk. It was nice.
Babies R Us called and said that our furniture is in... That's crazy. They said 10-14 days... it's only been 3 days! But that's cool. So we're going to pick it up on Thursday at like 3:30. I can't wait. I'm so excited.
I'm trying to get things cleaned up for when Melonie and them come for dinner on Saturday. I want to make sure this house is completely cleaned... No clutter anywhere lol... which is going to be difficult. So I started in the study. I have everything in boxes that need to go in the basement or upstairs... I'll have Paul put those away when he gets home.
Paul's got his Chiro appointment today. I had mine yesterday. They just did a scan to see what was going on in my back and stuff, and that's all they are doing for Paul today. I go back tomorrow at 430 for my adjustment!! I'm excited. I can't wait to have my back feel better!! yay!!
Well, I'm gonna go... I don't feel so well... my head hurts and it's starting to hurt my neck... Ugh... I wonder if it's from the Tylenol PM or just cause I'm getting a head ache... I haven't had a head ache in MONTHS though... I dunno....
Posted by Natural Momi at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 04, 2008
Weekend update....
So sleep is still an illusion - It's looks cool and sounds great, but it's not real! lol
I've been getting about 5-6 hours of sleep a night. Not all at once mind you, but 5-6 hours none the less lol. Last night I went to bed at 1:30, fell asleep around 2:30, slept still 4:30 (so theres two hours). Then laid there awake until after 6, slept from about 6:30 until 9:30 (3 more hours), and from about 10:00 till 11:30... That's a total of 6.5 hours!! Yay!!! But I still feel soooo tired! lol... I just wish I could sleep straight through. Why oh why?!?! lol
We went to Janelle's baby shower on Sunday. It was a lot of fun.
OMG I can't believe I forgot... On Saturday we ordered the hutch and combo changer, and bought the glider. I had 3 15% off coupons that expired on Feb 3rd and we wanted to use them to save money. It was great because not only did we save 15% on the hutch and combo, but they were also on clearance!!! Of course we paid just the 20% down for the hutch and combo, because we put it on my credit card. But we had to pay full price for the glider because they had it at the store... So we have a glider in the nursery now!! yay!! i love it!!! The hutch and combo should be here by Feb 15th. Which is when Paul gets his bonus, we'll pick it up on the 15th or 16th and then pay the rest off with his bonus. I'm so excited!! yay!!!
I go to the Chiropractor today at 4:30. I am so totally looking foward to this!!! Really want to get rid of my back aches! lol... I know they probably won't do any adjustments today, but while we're there we will schedule an appointment to come back later in the week for my adjustment... Hopefully it's not too long... I really want to feel better!!! lol.. plus I'm going to ask them for a recommended list of Pediatricians.
I can't find my mouth rubber bands... I don't know what happened to them. If I can't find them then I'll have to call the ortho and get more. I have one in now, but I need to find my bag... Hmmmm wonder where it is?! lol
I called my local Le Leche leader last week and am all set up to attend my first Le Leche League meeting on Friday!! I'm kinda excited about this... if nothing else it'll get me outta the house and maybe I'll make some friends.
Paul and I are also signed up for CPR classes for next week in Rochester. I was hoping to get into the Macomb classes, but they didn't have another Macomb class until the middle of April, and then we would have to find a babysitter, blah blah blah... So we're just going to the Rochester one.
Lets see - what else....
Jen seems to be doing okay. I guess she's come to terms with the fact that she'll be moving out on March 1st. Wow, I can't believe that's only a few weeks away.
I realized/told Paul (on Saturday) that next month we are going to have a baby! lol. He had a look of panic on his face for a split second and then smiled lol... I guess he's really nervous about it. I didn't think he was, but he says he is. lol.. So we'll see
It's about 35 degrees outside right now, I wanna take Pebbles for a little walk today because she hasn't been for one in SOOOOO long. She'll love it. That's for sure. It's just hard to take her for a walk in the winter time here because it's so cold and not everyone shovels their sidewalks.
My tummy is a little upset today. I had some oatmeal when I got up, and then after I ate my tummy started hurting realllly bad. My tummy doesn't hurt so much anymore, but I feel crampy... I think I have to poop... We'll see....
Let's see... Anything else new?
We invited Melonie, Scott, Janelle, and Jason over for dinner next Saturday. I'm not sure what I'm going to make because there'll be 7 of us... I guess I'll figure it out... Hmmm... I'm thinking about maybe the Citrus Roasted Chicken, or Chicken Sketti... Not sure... We're also going to have Jacob next weekend. While I'm at my Le Leche meeting Paul and Jen are going to go get Jacob. We figure this might be the last weekend we'll get him for a couple months... atleast until April. I know we won't get him in March. It'll be too hard... So maybe the end of April, beg. of May.
So I have to leave here around 4ish to get to the Chirpractor at 430. Then after that appointment Paul and I will go eat somewhere and I'll go walk around some store until it's time to meet Sally and the girls. I don't want to drive all the way back home after the appointment just to drive all the way back out there 20 minutes later... Ugh...
Well, I'm gonna go... I think i feel like painting my nails... I haven't painted my nails in MONTHS! lol... It' crazy!
Posted by Natural Momi at 12:59 PM 0 comments